Starting a new term at LUMS
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There were a lot of things to be done before the Christmas holiday, from submitting coursework for some modules and having lots of meetings with my other students, to submitting our research project in another module. In addition to that, we needed to attend the weekly lectures to get a better understanding of the curriculum and do well in the final exams at the beginning of the Lent term. Thankfully, our professors were very understanding and extended some of our deadlines which was a huge bonus at what has been a very busy time for us Money, Banking, and Finance MSc students. It was a very exciting time that provided great learning experiences for everyone, and I hope for another experience like this in the future to test my knowledge and skills.
After finishing the Michaelmas term, the chill and rest time kicked in. Personally, I enjoyed going to the gym every day to make up for the previous two weeks, when I didn’t have the time to go. It is a nice ten-minute walk from my Graduate College accommodation (where I live on campus) to the Sports Centre. I like the walk, because it means I can see some greenery and the football pitches, however, it is best to get a heavy jacket because it is quite cold at this time of year, at least for me. I enjoyed going to the library too, because it was quiet compared to two weeks earlier when everybody was there doing their work before the holiday. It felt different but enjoyable.
During the vacation period, I went back to my home country (Egypt) for a quick holiday with my family and to attend my sister's wedding. I can't say it was too relaxing because I have four final exams after coming back in January. Luckily, I managed my time well, and balanced my sister's wedding responsibilities, spent time with my family, and found time to study. The workload for the final exams was manageable, especially since I had about two weeks between arriving back in Lancaster and taking the exams.
As of today, and starting the Lent term, I am feeling prepared and energetic. The exams are settled with handwork, hopefully I have done well, and my spirits are high. Looking ahead to the Lent term, I have five modules (three compulsory and two electives). I am looking forward to applying for placements and internships in the finance and banking fields as well. Another thing worth mentioning since I am not new to Lancaster, is that there are a lot of events happening in the city center. One event that I am keen on going to is Global Funnies, a showcase of local migrants’ stand-up comedy at the Dukes Theatre at the end of January. The event will be presented by Daphna Baram, Lancaster University’s PhD researcher and local stand-up comedian, and will feature some of the funniest first-generation immigrant stand-up comedians in the UK. Overall, I’m looking forward to all the adventures that this new term brings!
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