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2003 - Film Credits

A film credits list was the theme for back design this year with each user specifying their role. As always on the front of each t-shirt was embroidered the user's name. However, this year marked the first and so far only year that the lubbs rectangular logo was used. This was screen printed on the front of the t-shirt in an attempt to try and reduce costs; by this time each t-shirt was approximately £15! A number of film titles were suggested with the eventual winner heading the design. However, many of the other suggestions are also listed below. (NB: Big Mad Drongo should have been 'Ancillary Geek' - sorry Sam!)

Suggested Film Titles

2003: A Lubbs Odyssey
Close Encounters of the Absurd Kind
Gone With The Windows
Lock, Spod, and Two Smoking Barrels
LuBBs, Spods and Two Smoking Keyboards
Lord of the Lubbs: The Fellowship of the Lubbs
Lord of the Lubbs: The Two Lubbers
Lord of the Lubbs: The Return of the Lubbers
Lubb Story
Indiana Jones and the Linux Crusade
Planet of the Nerds
Resevoir Spods
Saving to Ryan's PRIVATE
Silence of the Lubbs
Spod Wars
Spod Trek
Suns and Lubbers
The Spodfather
The Usual Spodspects