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LUBBS Awards: 2002

Catagory Nominations Result
Best Argument A - The world Vs Bramp
B - Cat Vs LuBBs users
C - The World Vs ISS
D - Bluefoo - Have we been to the moon?
E - Cat.argueWith(object);
1st - The World Vs Bramp
2nd - The World Vs ISS
Best Bar Performance A - Bluefoo
B - Nightcrawler
C - Mad Scientist
D - Jim Bob
E - Aziraphale
1st - Nightcrawler - Who drank too much snakebite and the others rumbled him.
2nd - Bluefoo
Best Couple A - Ceilidh Queen and Unicycle Scrub
B - Tree and Eee
C - Jessica Rabbit and Aziraphale
D - Biggles and her sopwith Camel
E - Litefoot and MSN
1st - Jessica Rabbit and Aziraphale - Get a room!
2nd - Tree and EEE
Best Dressed A - Ford Prefect
B - Bluefoo
C - Kitt
D - Willow
E - Jessica Rabbit
1st - Jessica Rabbit
2nd - Ford Prefect - The flair for his campagning wasn't quite so great as his flairs
Best Newcomer A - Bluefoo
B - Bin Monster
C - Nightcrawler
1st - Bluefoo
2nd - Bin Monster
Best New Name A - Pointy Haired Trainee
B - The Drunk Vampire
C - Bin Monster
D - Nightcrawler
E - Jack Frost
1st - Pointy Haired Trainee
2nd - Bin Monster
Best Admin A - Dr Jones
B - Jenny Red
C - Unicycle Scrub
D - Sypher
E - Fat Man Rots
1st - Jenny Red and Unicycle Scrub
Best LuBBer A - Sypher
B - Unicycle scrub
C - Bin Monster
D - Willow
E - Bluefoo
1st - Bluefoo
2nd - Unicycle Scrub
Long Standing Contribution A - Dr Jones
B - Mordac
C - Araucaria
D - Redeye
E - Evil Dr Ganymede
1st - Evil Dr Ganymede - or was that Dr Evil Ganymede?
2nd - Araucaria - clearly didn't win as no one can spell his name
Most Constructive A - Tenebreaux
B - Jenny Red
C - Mordac
D - Willow
E - Bluefoo
1st - Bluefoo
2nd - Mordac
Most Annoying LuBBer A - Bramp
B - Art Vandelay
C - Dave
D - Blue Green Olga
1st - Bramp
2nd - Blue Green olga
Most Pointless A - Cat
B - Sinusoidal
C - Blue Green Olga
1st - Cat
2nd - Blue Green Olga
Most Time On LuBBs A - Sypher
B - Dr Jones
C - Araucaria
D - Litefoot
E - Bluefoo
1st - Sypher - Ok, he is in Germany, so we'll let him off
2nd - Bluefoo
Posthumous (introduced this year to mark the passing of many old users accounts) A - Sex on the Beach
B - Magenta
C - Brickie
D - Dr Jones
E - Tree
1st - Dr Jones, closely followed by:
2nd - Dr Jones