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How to Access LUBBS
Using Windows NT/2K/XP

Logging on to Unix

Step 1: Bringing Up The Telnet Window

To bring up the telnet window to access Unix click here. This should bring up a window like the one shown below.

Step 2: Entering Your User Name and Password

The next step is to enter your user name and password. Type in your username first and press the return key. Now type in your password. When you type your password in it will not be displayed on the screen for security reasons. It should look like the window below.

If you have entered either your user name or your password incorrectly it will be rejected and you will be given the opportunity to type both of them again.

If you have entered both your user name and password correctly you will see lots of text flash past on the screen. It will stop with a '%' at the bottom of the screen. This is called the command prompt and is the place where you type commands in.

Congratulations! You have now logged onto Unix and are ready to run LUBBS. Please click here to find out how.