Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies

A muraqqa' by the Istanbul-born calligrapher Yedikuleli Seyid Abdullah (d. 1144/1731)

ISSN: 0806-198X

Editors: Lutz E. Edzard and Stephan Guth, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages (IKOS), University of Oslo, Norway
Home > Archive: vol.15 (2015)

Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies

Volume 17 (2017)

Edited by Lutz Edzard and Stephan Guth. Themed section edited by Mirella Cassarino and Antonella Ghersetti


Vol.17/5 (2017) Themed section: Arab-Sicilian and Andalusian Grammarians, ed. by Mirella Cassarino and Antonella Ghersetti (pdf 3,5 MB, pp. 65-135).

Vol.17/5a (2017) Front matter and Table of Contents (pdf 370 kB, pp. 65-66).

Vol.17/5b (2017)  Mirella Cassarino and Antonella Ghersetti, Which differences? Notes for a project on Sicilian and Andalusian grammarians (pdf 255 kB, pp. 67-78).

Vol.17/5c (2017) Oriana Capezio, Ibn al-Qattāʿ et la métrique arabe en Sicile entre le XIe et le XIIe siècle (pdf 13,3 MB, pp. 79-96).

Vol.17/5d (2017) Francesco Grande, Originality of the Semantic Approach in Arabic Linguistic Thought, with Particular Reference to Ibn al-Qattāʿ’s Work (pdf 333 kB, pp. 97-113).

Vol.17/5e (2017) Cristina La Rosa, The Majmū'ʿa min ši'ʿr al-Mutanabbī wa-ghawāmidihi by Ibn al-Qattāʿ al-Siqillī: A Morphological and Lexical Analysis (pdf 333 kB, pp. 114-135).


Vol.17/4 (2017) Daniele Mascitelli, Some Verses by Hassān b. Thābit al-Ansārī not Included in His Dīwān (pdf 977 kB, pp. 53-63).


Vol.17/3 (2017) Patrizia Zanelli, Subversive Writing: Mona Prince’s ‘Laughing Revolution’ from pre- to post-2011 Egypt (pdf 550 kB, pp. 35-52).

Abstract: Although it may seem absurd, it is no exaggeration to say that humour is a very serious matter in Egypt, where dozens of intellectuals have analysed this phenomenon, often linking it to their national identity. This article presents various opinions on Egyptian satire to introduce a 2015 novel by Mona Prince, one of the Egyptian writers of the 1990s generation. In 2012, the author published a memoir of the January 25 Revolution. This study tries to explain the relationship between her political activism and her literary career; the role of humour in her oeuvre; and how she deals with gender and religious issues in her 2015 work, which is also autobiographic. Moreover, since the novelist wrote the text between 2008 and 2014, this article offers some notes on satiric literature in pre- and post-2011 Egypt.


Vol.17/2 (2017) Ismail Lala, An Analysis of Muhammad ibn ʿAlī al-Tahānawī’s Approach in Kashshāf istilāhāt al-funūn – The entry of huwiyya (pdf 642 kB, pp. 14-34).

Abstract: The erudite Indo-Hanafī lexicologist, Muhammad ibn ʿAlī ibn al-Qādī Muhammad Hāmid ibn Muhammad ibn Sābir al-Fārūqī al-Tahānawī (d. 1158/ 1745?), has hitherto been largely overlooked in Western scholarship. This, despite his lexical magnum opus, Kashshāf istyilāhāt al-funūn wa’l-'ulūm al-islāmiyya, being widely used by scholars in fields from philosophy to astronomy, and from metaphysics to mathe-matics. The present study inspects the modus operandi of this enigmatic lexicologist by taking a detailed entry, that of huwiyya, as a case study to excavate the approach and techniques used by the author to compile his work: What were his objectives? And how does he achieve them? Who were his audience? And how does he cater for them? These, and other, questions will be considered through the window of this entry.


Vol.17/1 (2017) Haggai Mazuz, Post-Biblical Jewish Sources in al-Maqrīzī’s Historiography—Whence His Knowledge? (pdf 853 kB, pp. 1-13).

Abstract: In his Kitāb al-Mawāʿiz wa’l-I'tibār fī dhikr al-khitat wa’l-Āthār, Taqī al-Dīn Ahmad b. ʿAlī al-Maqrīzī (1364–1442 CE) includes several chapters that draw on post-Biblical Jewish texts, inter alia. The academic literature has very little to say about the presentation that al-Maqrīzī thus creates. To correct this lacuna, this article illuminates al-Maqrīzī’s exposure to and use of Rabbinic and Midrashic sources by offering examples of remarks in his writings that appear to have come from such sources—directly, through the mediation of Muslim scholarship, or in an in-between manner. Several conjectures about the origins of his knowledge are offered.


Archive by volume:

Vol.17 (2017) eds. L.E.Edzard, S.Guth, M. Cassarino & A. Ghersetti

Vol.16 (2016) eds. L.E. Edzard & S. Guth

Vol.15 (2015) eds. L.E. Edzard & S. Guth

Vol.14 (2014) eds. L.E. Edzard & S. Guth

Vol.13 (2013) eds. Lutz Edzard & Stephan Guth

Vol.12 (2012) eds. Antonella Ghersetti & Alex Metcalfe

Vol.11 (2011) ed. Alex Metcalfe

Vol.10 (2010) ed. Alex Metcalfe

Vol.9 (2009) ed. Alex Metcalfe

Vol.8 (2008) ed. Alex Metcalfe with Joseph Norment Bell & Lutz Edzard

Vol.7 (2007) ed. Alex Metcalfe with Joseph Norment Bell

Vol.6 (2005-6) eds. Joseph Norment Bell, Walter Herman Bell & Lutz E. Edzard

Vol.5 (2003-4) ed. Joseph Norment Bell

Vol.4 (2001-2) ed. Joseph Norment Bell with Agostino Cilardo & Stefan Leder

Vol.3 (2000) ed. Joseph Norment Bell

Vol.2 (1998-9) ed. Joseph Norment Bell

Vol.1 (1996-7) ed. Joseph Norment Bell with Petr Zemánek

Index by author

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