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Context and Links
Lancaster University Links:Centre for Science Studies The study is also located within a set of policy considerations and concerns (click for access to the following sites): Natural History Museum Bibliography'ADAPTA' (Assessing Debate and Participatory Technology Assessment) Report of European Commission Project BIO-CT98-0318, 2000 Agarwal, A. 'On Power and Indigenous Knowledge' in Posey D.A. (ed) 1999 Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity, Kenya: Intermediate Technology Publications Ajuha, A. Save Our Unlovely Species, The Times, 21.5.2001 Allen, D.E. 1976, The Naturalist in Britain. A Social History. London: Allen Lane Allen, D. E. 1998, "On parallel lines: natural history and biology from the late Victorian Period", Archives of Natural History 25/3: 361-371 Avery M., Bourn N., Davis R., Everitt, J., Halahan R., Harper M., Parsons M., Phillips M., Sands T., Williams G. and Wynde, G. 2001 Biodiversity Counts: delivering a better quality of life. Biodiversity Challenge: Butterfly Conservation, Friends of the Earth, Plantlife, The RSPB, The Wildlife Trusts and WWF-UK Bartlett, D. 2000 ''The world is run by those who turn up' - more ideas on public participation', ECOS, 21, 2, 37-42 'Biodiversity Challenge: an agenda for conservation in the UK' Consultative Document prepared by UK voluntary conservation organisations, 1994 Bowker, G. 2000 Biodiversity Datadiversity, Social Studies of Science, 30/5, 643-83 Cooke, B. and Kothari, U. 2001 Participation: The New Tyranny? Zed Books, London. New York. DETR 2001 Sustaining the variety of Life: 5 Years of the UK Biodiversity Action Plan, London: HMSO Drouin, J-M. and Bensaude-Vincent, B. 'Nature for the People', in Jardine, N. Secord, J. A. and Spary, E. C. 1996 Cultures of Natural History, Cambridge University Press, 408-425 Durant, J. Bauer, M. Gaskell, G. 1998 Biotechnology in the Public Sphere: A comparative review. London: Science Museum Ellen, R. and Harris, H. Embeddedness of Indigenous Knowledge in Posey, D.A. (ed) 1999 Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity, Kenya: UNEP Intermediate Technology Publications, 180-185 Ezrahi, Y. 1990 The Descent of Icarus: Science and the Transformation of Contemporary Democracy, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press Furze, B., De Lacey, T. and Birkhead, J. 1996 Culture, Conservation and Biodiversity: the Social Dimension of Linking Local Level Development and Conservation Through Protected Areas, Chichester: Wiley Gibbons, M., Limoges, C. , Nowotny, H. Schwartzman, S. Scott, P. and Trow, M. 1994 The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies, London: Sage Goodwin, P. 1998 " 'Hired hands' or 'local voice': Understandings and experience of local participation in conservation". Trans Inst Br Geogr 23: 481-491 HMSO 1994 Biodiversity: the UK Action Plan, London: HMSO Harrison, C.M., Burgess, J. and Clark, J. 1998 'Discounted knowledges: farmers' and residents' understandings of nature conservation goals and policies', Journal of Environmental Management, 54, 305-320 House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology, Science and Society, HMSO, February 2000 Ingold, T. 2000 {erce[topms pf tje Environment: Essays in Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill. London, Routledge Jardine, N. Secord, J. A. and Spary, E. C. 1996 Cultures of Natural History, Cambridge University Press Latour, B. 1987 Science in Action, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard. Leach, M. and Mearns, R. 1996 The Lie of the Land: Challenging received Wisdom on the Afican Environment, International African Institute Marcus, G. E. 1995 'Ethnography in/of the World System: the Emergence of a Multi-sited Ethnography', Annual Review of Anthropology, 24:95-117 Marren, P. 2000 Did the Bittern read the BAP? ECOS, 21, 2, 43-46 Nowotny, H., Scott, P. and Gibbons, M. 2001 Re-Thinking Science: Knowledge and Uncertainty in an Age of Uncertainty, Cambridge: Polity Pimbert, M. P. and Pretty, J., 'Parks, People and Professionals: Putting 'Participation' into Protected Area Management', in Ghimire, K. B. and Pimbert, M.P. Social Change and Conservation, London: Earthscan, 297-330 Posey, D.A. (ed) 1999 Cultural and Spiritual values of Biodiversity, Kenya: UNEP Intermediate Technology Publications POST 2000 'Biodiversity and Conservation', Post Note 144, July 2000 Rapp, R. 1999 Testing Women, Testing the Fetus: the Social Impact of Amniocentisis in America, New York: Routledge. Robertson, J. 2000 'Biodiversity: All Spin and No Substance', ECOS, 21, 2, 53-59 Secord, A. 1996 'Artisan Botany', in Jardine, N. Secord, J. A. and Spary, E. C. 1996 Cultures of Natural History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 378-393 Sergeant, T. 2000 'Getting biodiversity onto Local Agenda 21', ECOS, 21, 2, 32-37 Sharpe, B. 1998 'First the forest: conservation, 'community' and 'participation' in South-West Cameroon' Africa 68, 1, 25-45 Toogood, M. 1996 Natural State: the Culture of Conservation in Britain, 1949-1973. Lancaster University PhD Thesis Waterton, C., Wynne, B., Grove-White, R. and Mansfield, T. 2001Scientists Reflect on Science: Scientists' Perspectives on Contemporary Science and Environmental Policy, Lancaster University: IEPPP Report Wynne, B. 1992 'Misunderstood misunderstanding: social identities and public uptake of science', Public Understanding of Science, 1, 281-304 |
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