Conference Papers
Symp 4 |
Learning Networks for Professional Development: Current Research Approaches and Future Trends
Symposium Organisers: Adriana J. Berlanga & Riina Vuorikari
Open University of The Netherlands
Manh Cuong Pham, Yiwei Cao, Zinayida Petrushyna, Ralf Klamma
Information Systems and Databases, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Kamakshi Rajagopal, Adriana J. Berlanga, Peter B. Sloep, Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies, Open University of the Netherlands
Romina Cachia & Yves Punie
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), European Union Joint Research Centre (JRC), Seville Spain |
Symp 6 |
The place of technology in networked learning
Symposium Organiser: Chris Jones
The Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University, UK
Martin Oliver
London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, UK
Steve Walker
Dept. of Communication & Systems,The Open University, UK,
Linda Creanor
Learning Enhancement and Academic Development (GCU LEAD), Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Chris Jones
The Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University, UK |
Symp 5 |
Variations in the Experience of Phenomenographic Research
Symposium Organisers: Marguerite Koole
Athabasca University, Canada & Lancaster University, UK
& Jane Costello, Memorial University, Canada & Lancaster University, UK
Nicos Souleles
Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Faculty of Applied Arts and Communication, Cyprus University of Technology
Justin Bonzo
Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning, Lancaster University
Jane Costello
Distance Education, Learning and Teaching Support, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning, Lancaster University
Marguerite Koole
Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University,
Centre for Studies in Advanced Learning Technology, Lancaster University |
Symp 3 |
Transdisciplinary research in technology enhanced/networked learning practices
Symposium Organiser: Gale Parchoma, Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning, Lancaster University, UK
Gale Parchoma
Lancaster University
Jeffrey M. Keefer
New York University
Hilary Thomas
Lancaster University
Moira Hunter,
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais
Gale Parchoma
Lancaster University |
Symp 2 |
Understanding emerging knowledge spillovers in small-group learning settings, a social network perspective
Symposium Organisers: Bart Rienties, University of Surrey, Koen Veermans, University of Turku
Nuria Hernandez Nanclares
Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain
Bart Rienties
University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom
Piet Van den Bossche
Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium & Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Bart Rienties, Peter Alcott, Tony Willis
University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom
Katerina Bohle Carbonell
Maastricht University, Maastricht, the Netherlands
Juliette Hommes
Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Bart Rienties
University of Surrey, United Kingdom |
Symp 1 |
Web 2.0 and the Net Generation - A Critical Perspective
Symposium Organiser: Thomas Ryberg, Department of Communication and Psychology, e-Learning Lab, Aalborg University Copenhagen
Tales from the Lands of Digital Natives - A Journey to Neverland
Thomas Ryberg, Malene Charlotte Ryberg Larsen, Department of Communication and Psychology, e-Learning Lab, Aalborg University Copenhagen
Changing the rules of the game - experiences with Web 2.0 learning in higher education
Hanne Westh Nicolajsen, Department of Communication and Psychology, e-Learning Lab, Aalborg University Copenhagen
Facilitating Adoption of Web Tools for Problem and Project Based Learning Activities
Md. Saifuddin Khalid, Nikorn Rongbutsri, Lillian Buus, Department of Communication and Psychology, e-Learning Lab, Aalborg University Copenhagen |
32 |
Curriculum Framework Considerations for Introducing Networked Learning within a Career-Focused Higher Education Institution: A case study of the Polytechnic of Namibia.
Georgina Avard, Polytechnic of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia, Maria Zenios, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK |
14 |
Analysing Collaborative Processes and Interaction Patterns in Online Discussions
Canan Blake, Eileen Scanlon, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK |
22 |
Social learning in Learning Networks through peer support: research findings and pitfalls
Francis Brouns, Amy Hsiao, Open Universiteit, Heerlen, The Netherlands |
07 |
Evaluating a new approach to learning design
Gráinne Conole, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK, Paul Mundin, Rebecca Galley, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK |
47 |
Detecting mathematics learning online
Joseph Corneli, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, Marisa Ponti, Department of Applied ID, Chalmers-University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden |
33 |
Variations in students' experience of networked learning in a post-compulsory pre-university context
Maria Cutajar, Junior College, University of Malta, Msida, Malta, Maria Zenios, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, UK |
50 |
ÉduCoP case study: the Community of Practice of learners in Educational Sciences at the University of Liège
Brigitte Denis, Marie-Laure Bomgart, University of Liège, CRIFA, Liège, Belgium |
34 |
A tacit-knowledge perspective on networked learning
Nina Bonderup Dohn, Institute of Business Communication and Information Science, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, Denmark |
37 |
Supporting older adults in using technology for lifelong learning: the methodological and conceptual value of Wizard of Oz simulations
Rebecca Eynon, Chris Davies, Wayne Holmes, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK |
41 |
Exploring social recommenders for teacher networks to address challenges of starting teachers
Soude Fazeli, Francis Brouns, Hendrik Drachsler, Peter Sloep, Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands |
13 |
Use of Visual Analysis to Investigate Networked Learning in Online Forums
Rebecca Ferguson, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK |
09 |
Designing for Learning in Coupled Contexts
Janne Gleerup, Simon Heilesen, Kevin Mogensen, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark |
46 |
Student author as actor network? Using ANT to explore digital literacies in higher education
Lesley Gourlay, Institute of Education, University of London, London, UK |
08 |
The role of feedback in the design of learning activities
David Griffiths, Institute for Educational Cybernetics, University of Bolton, Lancashire, UK, Griff Richards, Michelle Harrison, Thompson Rivers University, Open Learning, British Columbia, Canada |
44 |
The objects of e-learning: Rethinking implementation, or not learning from the history of technology
John Hannon, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia |
49 |
Informal networked learning; a network in the wild
Ailsa Haxell, Deakin University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia & Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand |
24 |
Online Learning Communities for Teachers' Continuous Professional Development: case study of an eTwinning Learning Event
Brian Holmes, University of Lancaster, Lancaster UK & European Commission EACEA, Brussels, Belgium, Julie-Ann Sime, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, UK |
40 |
Supervisors' utterances in online supervision of first-year students' dissertations
Jimmy Jaldemark, Gunnar Augustsson, Mid Sweden University, Harnosand, Sweden |
25 |
Virtual Learning Professional Development: Moderators and Cognitive Presence
Shaunna Joannidou, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, University of Lancaster, UK, Julie-Ann Sime, University of Lancaster, UK |
20 |
Promoting connections through Community Equity
Mike Johnson, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK |
31 |
The Collaborative Remix of Cyberculture on the Web Project: Advancing Learning Through Students' Engagement
Eduardo Junqueira, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil |
30 |
Professional development and innovative pedagogy in an online community through the lens of activity theory
Brenda G Kaulback, Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, California, USA & Knowledge in the Public Interest, New York, NY, USA |
18 |
Information Aggregation in Networked Learning: The Human Factor and Serendipity
Rita Kop, National Research Council of Canada, Moncton, NB, Canada |
23 |
Participation and Alienation in Online Networked Learning: Social Affordances to find People and to build Social Capital
Karel Kreijns, Frederik Van Acker, Marjan Vermeulen, Hans van Buuren, Open Universiteit Nederland, Heerlen, The Netherlands |
48 |
Social Network Analysis as a method to study the structure of contacts within teams of a school for secondary education
Celeste Meijs, Maarten de Laat, Open University of The Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands |
36 |
Exploring phenomenology for researching lived experience in Technology Enhanced Learning
Hans Oberg, The Netbased Education Unit, University of Skovde, Skovde, Sweden, Alex Bell, School of Business, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Carmarthen, UK |
06 |
Of Conflict in Virtual Learning Communities in the Context of a Democratic Pedagogy: A paradox or sophism?
Hayriye Tugba Ozturk, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, Omer Simsek, Dicle University, Diyarbakir, Turkey |
19 |
Wise words and dread warnings: making sense of (virtual) groups
Linda Perriton, University of York, York, UK, Michael Reynolds, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK |
12 |
Organizing Networked Learning
Anne-Marie Poorthuis, Stichting Eigentijdse Verbindingen, Kortenhoef, The Netherlands |
27 |
Teachers' self and the lifelong learning transitions through networked learning experiences
Juliana Elisa Raffaghelli, University of Venice - Interuniversity Center for Educational Research and Advanced Training, Venice, Italy |
26 |
E-pedagogical design of a UK work-based learning programme
Claire Raistrick, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK |
42 |
People in Personal Learning Networks: Analysing their Characteristics and Identifying Suitable Tools
Kamakshi Rajagopal, Steven Verjans, Peter Sloep, Open Universiteit, Heerlen, The Netherlands, Cristina Costa, University of Salford, Salford, UK |
16 |
The spectacle and the placeholder: digital futures for reflective practices in higher education
Jen Ross, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK |
04 |
Emerging Technologies and New Learning Ecologies: Learner's Perceptions of Learning in Open and Networked Environments
Mohsen Saadatmand, Kristiina Kumpulainen, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland |
38 |
Issues in Internationalization of education: The case of a Danish Business School exporting a blended learning MBA program to developing countries.
Sandra Safwat, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark & IBSS, Copenhagen, Denmark, Ann Bygholm, Kirsten Jaeger, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark |
28 |
Work-Based Networked Learning: a bottom-up approach to stimulate the professional development of teachers
Bieke Schreurs, Maarten De Laat, Open University of The Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands |
15 |
A proposed model of a visual interaction analysis graph for studying educational interactions and their impact on learning within a technology enhanced learning environment
Arkendu Sen, Monash Unversity Sunway Campus, Selangor, Malaysia, Don Passey, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK |
35 |
Teachers' experiences of using Learning Technology in Pakistan
Uzair Shah, Vivien Hodgson, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, Kiran Trehan, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK |
03 |
Social Tools for Networked Learning: Current and Future Research Directions
Rory Sie, Adriana Berlanga, Peter Sloep, Kamakshi Rajagopal, Kees Pannekeet, Hendrik Drachsler, Soude Fazeli, Open Universiteit in the Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands |
01 |
Selection and adoption of communication technology in a distributed network
Mika Sihvonen, Joanna Kalalahti, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland |
11 |
Reconceptualising space in networked learning
Susan. M. Smith, Lancaster University, Lancaster, Lancashire, UK |
02 |
What did the Romans ever do for us? 'Next generation' networks and hybrid learning resources
Elaine Thomas, Steve Walker, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, Paul Richardson, JISC RSC Wales, University of Swansea, Swansea, UK |
39 |
Combining collaboration spaces: Identifying patterns of tool use for decision-making in a networked learning environment
Kate Thompson, Nick Kelly, The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia |
The politics of the delete button: Interrupting online work-learning practices
Terrie Lynn Thompson, Athabasca University, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada |
29 |
Networked Curricula: Fostering transnational partnerships in open and distance education and blended learning
George Ubachs, EADTU, Heerlen, The Netherlands |
21 |
Learning through network interaction: the potential of ego-networks
Asli Unlusoy, Mariette de Haan, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Kevin Leander, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA |
05 |
Blended problem-based learning: designing collaboration opportunities for unguided group research through the use of Web 2.0 tools
Richard Walker, University of York, York, N.Yorks, UK |
17 |
Aggregate, then Curate: Digital learning champions and informational resources
Andrew Whitworth, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, Fred Garnett, London Knowledge Lab, London, UK |
43 |
Mobile Learning and Immutable Mobiles: using iPhones to support informal learning in craft breweries
Steven Wright, Gale Parchoma, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK |
Measuring the Value of Online Communities and Networks of Practice for Business
Robin Yap, Phronetic International, Toronto, Canada, Joost Robben, Tulser, Maastricht, The Netherlands |
42 |
The Director's Story: iPads in the Directing Class
Jane Costello, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NL, Canada & Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK
30 |
Developing a reflective practice in instructional design
Ioana Hartescu, SC SOFTWIN SRL, Bucharest, Romania & Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK |
13 |
Communities of practice in the digital age. Managing communities with the use of social networking tools.
Violetta Pleshakova, European University of Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany |
29 |
Improving assessment practices - is there a place for online marking?
Claire Raistrick, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK |
27 |
A networked learning-informed investigation of introducing blended simulation based medical education in a UK National Health Service context
Armineh Shahoumian, Gale Parchoma, Maria Zenios, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
Jackie Hanson, Mike Dickinson, Mark Pimblett, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Preston, UK |
66 |
Appreciating networked learning: Value creation in practice
Daniel van Amersfoort, Femke Nijland, Maarten De Laat
RdMC, Open University, Heerlen, The Netherlands |