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Transcending the Genome: The Paradigm Shift to Proteomics - Flagship Project

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Aims and Objectives

Our overarching aim is to explore whether and in what ways proteomics constitutes, or is part of, a paradigm shift in the production of knowledge in the biosciences. In pursuit of this aim we have the following objectives:

  • To locate proteomics as a research field by mapping the locations and identities of key actants (people, artifacts, organizations), and monitoring their relations over time
  • To compare and contrast different visions of what proteomics is – its origins, boundaries and future trajectories - in particular in relation to protein biochemistry, genomics and systems biology
  • To analyse how the production of knowledge in proteomics is accomplished
  • To enrol proteomics actants in our research and engage in collaborative research with them
  • To identify, experiment with and critically evaluate new research methods



flatbed scanner

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Page updated: 19 August, 2005