Henry Edward Manning (1808-1892), son of William Manning M.P. for Evesham and Lymington and governor of the Bank of England, was part of the Oxford Movement. He went up to Balliol College in 1827 where he excelled in debating and became president of the Union. After a brief career in the Colonial Office, Manning returned to Oxford and became a Fellow of Merton College in 1832. He was ordained as an Anglican minister in the same year. Manning followed John Henry Newman in to the Roman Catholic Church in 1850, after some years of struggling with aspects of Anglican doctrine and authority. Manning succeeded Cardinal Wiseman as archbishop of Westminster in 1865 and was made cardinal in 1875. He and Ruskin were friends. The two debated matters of faith when Ruskin was 50 and, in particular, Catholicism, which despite rumours, he did not embrace ( Wheeler, Ruskin's God, p.127).