Varieties of speech presentation in the novel
Task B - Our answer
Tessa's remark is represented in Indirect Speech (IS). The reported clause
'it had been wonderful' is subordinated grammatically to the reporting
clause and all the deictic items are appropriate for the narrator's 'voice'.
In the rest of the extract the narrator tells us about Edward's internal
emotional state, and we clearly have his viewpoint being expressed. By
contrast, Tessa's speech, in IS, seems rather reserved and distant. In
context this suggests that Edward is carried away more with his own inner
emotional state (extreme guilt, followed by pride) than Tessa's feelings,
which are external for him. Out of context, you may well have felt that
the actual sexual experience was perhaps better for him than for her (that
also might explain the IS distancing effect, after all!). But in the novel
it is clear that they both achieved a very satisfactory sexual climax,
and so that possible interpretation is ruled out contextually.