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Topic 9 (session A) - Speech Presentation > Speech presentation checksheet |
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Session Overview |
What happens when speech is presented |
Varieties of speech presentation in the novel |
More extended analyses |
Thought presentation |
Speech presentation Checksheet |
Topic 9 'tool' summary |
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Speech presentation checksheet
All sentences in the novel are either direct address to the reader or narration or the representation of character speech and/or character thought. This Guidesheet is devoted mainly to the presentation of character speech. 1. Speech presentation - Five basic kinds
Completely under the narrator's control, and with a perspective so 'distanced'
from the speech presented that all we know about that speech is that it
occurred (e.g. 'They conversed quietly with one another.'), perhaps with
some general indication of the topic of the talk (e.g. 'He was saying
something about his trip.'). 1.2 Narrator's Representation of Speech Acts (NRSA) Completely under narrator control (like the narrator's characterization of events, states and actions); however, a particular act of speech is now being represented, although in a pretty minimal way. "Speech Act" is the term used to designate ACTS performed by saying something e.g. complaining, instructing, questioning, pleading, arguing. cf. She insulted him. In the Narrator's Representation of a Speech Act (NRSA), we are told what act of speech was used. We may also get some indication of the subject matter talked about e.g. She told him about his bad breath. With NRSA, then, the report of the speech is minimal, and completely under the control of the narrator. NRSA usually contains:
NRSA is the speech presentation category which connects the scale of speech presentation with the straightforward narration of action. Narrators represent actions (NRA). NRSA is speech action, action performed by saying things (e.g. 'He ordered the prisoner's execution', 'He stated his demands'. 1.3 Indirect Speech (IS) In addition to the speech act(s) the character uses we are also given the propositional content of his/her utterance but in the narrator's words. The Propositional content of a sentence is the core meaning or statement expressed independent of the words used to express it. For example, what is the core statement made in the following sentences?
You might say any of these sentences, and I could reasonably report them all in Indirect Speech as "You said that it was raining heavily". Thus indirect speech, like NRSA, is speech filtered through the narrator. This results in relative distancing of the reader from the character compared with Direct Speech (see below). IS contains:
1.4 Direct Speech (DS) DS contains the actual words and grammatical structures which the character used in the original utterance, not those of the narrator. Hence, apparently, only minimal filtering through the narrator occurs (though, of course, in the novel, unlike real-life speech reporting, there was no original speech which is being reported by a third party - the author makes it all up). In the extreme versions of DS even the inverted commas and/or the introductory reporting clause can be omitted, thus reducing the amount of narrator filtering to zero. DS contains:
In the simplest forms of IS and DS there are two clauses, the reporting clause, which belongs to the narrator, and the reported clause, which is a representation of the speech being reported. The two clauses belong to two different discourse situations -- the reporting clause relates to the situation where the narrator is talking to the reader, and the reported clause relates to a previous discourse situation where a character said something to another character. You can "translate" an original utterance into DS/IS by operating a series of rules: Into DS
Into IS
Example A:
(Note: the highlighted words are all deictic markers in the IS version which have been changed from the DS version) Example B: Compare also:
(Note how "why" and "Sir" have been removed because they are inappropriate to the IS representation.)
Free Indirect Speech (FIS) is a mixture of DS and IS features. As a result it is often very ambiguous as to whether it represents faithfully the words of the character or whether it is the narrator's words which are being used. Very often there will be no reporting clause, and so the reported clause achieves main clause status as in DS. But usually the tense and pronouns, but not necessarily the other deictic markers, stay appropriate to the narrator, not the character. However, any mixture of DS and IS features counts as FIS. Any of the following could be FIS representations of the Dickens quotation above.
Hence, examples (1) - (3) are increasingly more free, showing the range of FIS possibilities. FIS contains:
A summary of speech presentation in prose style
2. Speech presentation and point of view
3. Thought PresentationThe same categories of presentation are available to an author when representing the thoughts of his characters. These categories [Narrator's Representation of Thinking (NT), Narrator's Representation of Thought Acts (NRTA), Indirect Thought (IT), Free Indirect Thought (FIT) and Direct Thought (DT)] can be defined in exactly the same way linguistically as for the equivalent speech presentation categories. But the effects of one mode choice or another are different from those for speech. Typically we tend to feel in the course of reading that Direct Thought is the representation of conscious thought on the part of the character, whereas Free Indirect Thought feels more like the representation of subconscious thought. Note that with DT or FIT, you feel that you are getting the character's process of thought represented, because of the assumption, borrowed from speech presentation, that you are getting (completely with DT, and partially with FIT) the "original" words and structures that the character used to do the thinking. This will not be the case with IT or NRTA, and so you will feel much less close to the character, and that the narrator is interposed between you and the character. We will not examine thought presentation in any detail on this course as there is not enough time. If you are interested in this area see section 4 of Short (1996) Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose (pp311-20) and section 2 of chapter 10 of Leech and Short (1981) Style in Fiction (pp 336-50).
Alternatives | What is presented? | Example | |
Narrator's Representation of Voice (NV) |
Merely that speech occurred, perhaps with an indication of general topic. |
e.g. He talked on and on. |
Narrator Represents the Speech Act (NRSA) |
Speech occurred |
e.g. She gave him his marching orders |
Indirect Speech (IS) |
Speech occurred |
e.g. She insisted |
Free Indirect Speech (FIS) |
Speech occurred |
e.g. She looked from him to the door. Why didn't he get lost? |
Direct Speech (DS) |
Speech occurred |
e.g. "Why don't you get lost!" she shouted. |
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