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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 9 (session A) - Speech Presentation > Thought presentation > Task B

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Thought presentation

Task B - The categories of thought presentation

accessible / text version of taskAlthough in thought presentation the basic categories are the same as for speech presentation, the effects of the categories are sometimes different for thought, compared with speech, as we have seen in Task A. So we will label the thought presentation categories separately, but parallel to the speech presentation categories, as follows:

Speech presentation

Direct speech (DS)

Free indirect speech (FIS)

Indirect speech (IS)

Narrators representation of speech act (NRSA)

Narrators representation of voice (NV)

Thought presentation

Direct thought (DT)

Free indirect thought (FIT)

Indirect thought (IT)

Narrators representation of thought act (NRTA)

Narrators representation of thought (NT)

Below are five instances of thought presentation. Place the sentences in what you think are the appropriate places on the scale below and compare your answers with ours.


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