Linguistic indicators of point of view
Our answer to task F
'Her head ached' and 'she stared' are structures with perception verbs
(feeling and sight perception) of which Ida, or a part of her is subject.
So effectively we are being given her perceptions. In 'for a moment she
didn't know where she was' the 3rd-person narrator is not just telling
us a fact. We are given a representation of her cognitive state. This
becomes even clearer with 'It came slowly back to her', where the proximal
spatial deictic verb 'come' is being used metaphorically to represent
Ida's memory of the night before returning to her. The fact that Ida is
subject to verbs of perception and cognition quickly establishes her viewpoint,
and the fact that we also see what she sees and understand what she thinks
effectively helps us to sympathise with her.