Task C - Register borrowing (tenor, medium and domain) - the first stanza
of Philip Larkin's 'Vers de Societé'
Below is the first stanza of a poem by Philip Larkin which involves the
borrowing of all, three aspects of register to create its effects.
Describe in as much detail as you can the register
borrowing, how it is achieved linguistically, and what the associated
effects are. The effects are quite complex, and, after you have got to
grips with the stanza you may find that it is best to start your description
by looking at the last line first. When you have finished compare your
analysis with ours.
My wife and I have asked a crowd of craps
To come and waste their time and ours: perhaps
You'd care to join us? In a pig's arse, friend.
Day comes to an end.
The gas fire breathes, the trees are darkly swayed.
And so Dear Warlock-Williams: I'm afraid -
Philip Larkin ,
'Vers de Societé'
Our answer