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 Ling 131: Language & Style

Topic 3 (session B) - Patterns, Deviations, Style and Meaning > Extended parallelism: non-literary examples > Task A

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Session Overview
Extended parallelism: non-literary examples
Extended parallelism: literary examples
Parallelism, deviation and 'The brain - is wider than the sky -'
Foregrounding Checksheet
Topic 3 'tool' summary
Useful Links

Extended parallelism: non-literary examples

Task A - A Bill Clinton joke

Accessible/ Text version of jokeIf you hit the button below you will get the first part of the joke. Hit it again and you get the next part, and so on. Read the joke through for fun first. Then go through it a couple more times, looking for the role that parallelism plays in the joke.
Finally, compare your commentary with ours using the button below.

Our commentary



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