'Levels' of Language
The Meaning Level Again: Pragmatics
In addition to word meaning (lexis) and sentence meaning (semantics)
there is another important aspect of meaning, which is usually called
pragmatics. Pragmatics is the study of meaning in context. We can use
the same sentence in different contexts to have very different pragmatic
[Assume that the context is an article about the similarities and differences
between boys and girls.]
The favourite animal for boys is the dog. Girls
like cats.
Here the meaning of the second sentence is the same as in (1), but additionally
it also has to be interpreted as an example of a difference between boys
and girls.
Now, imagine a conversation between two teenage boys:
A. Cats are stupid. What use is a cat?
B. Girls like cats.
Here the additional meaning for the second sentence will probably be
something like 'you could increase your chances of getting a girl to like
you by saying that you like cats'.