Levels of language & advertising slogans
Task D - The 'Buttermunch' ad
Preferably working with a couple of other students,
look at the ad below and try to work out what is going on in it. Specify
in as much detail as you can how the ad manipulates particular linguistic
levels to achieve its meaning and effect. Write down your conclusions
on a sheet of paper so that you have a record of what you have decided.
Then compare your analysis with ours.
Our last ad (again we only have the slogan) exploits a number of different
levels of linguistic organisation all at the same time. Can you work them
all out?:
Buttery Mightily Munchy Buttermunch
'[Please note: in the original ad, the last word
was in the form of a snack bar wrapper with 'Buttermunch' written
along its length.]
Check out our analysis to see how well you did.
Our Analysis