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 Ling 131: Language & Style
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 Topic 9 (session A) - Speech Presentation > Thought presentation > Task B

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Session Overview
What happens when speech is presented
Varieties of speech presentation in the novel
More extended analyses
Thought presentation
Speech presentation Checksheet
Topic 9 'tool' summary
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Thought presentation

Task B - Our answers

The scale


'Know most detail about what 'she' thought'
double headed arrow pointing up and down
'Know least detail about what 'she' thought'

  1. 'What will I do for the rest of my bloody life?' she asked herself.
  2. What would she do for the rest of her bloody life?
  3. She asked herself what she would do for the rest of her life.
  4. She carefully considered her future.
  5. She thought for a long time.





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