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 Topic 9 (session A) - Speech Presentation > What happens when speech is presented > Task B

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What happens when speech is presented

Task B - some different ways of presenting speech

Below are four sentences. They all report the same conversation between two characters which a 1st-person narrator in a novel reports to us.

Where do you think is the appropriate place for each of the following sentences on the scale below. Can you label any of the presentational forms (e.g. direct speech, indirect speech)? Compare your answers with ours.

  • She told him that she had not been their the day before.
  • She spoke severly to him.
  • She pointed out his error.
  • 'I wasn't here yesterday, you idiot,' she said.

The scale

'Know most detail about what 'she' said'
double headed arrow pointing up and down
'Know least detail about what 'she' said'

Our answer


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Next: Task C - the complete set of ways of presenting speech next

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