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 Topic 7 (session A) - The grammar of complex sentences > Grammar made easy > Task C

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Session Overview
SPOCA Review
Grammar made easy - the basic principles
Linking, listing and nesting clauses
More nesting
Text effects
Linking, listing & nesting checksheet
Complex SPOCA self test
Topic 7 'tool' summary
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Grammar made easy - the basic principles

Task C - Linking, listing and nesting words (cont.)

Using the two noun phrases 'the girl' and 'the friend', join them together so that

(i) they are linked,
(ii) they are listed and
(iii) 'the girl' is nested inside the 'the friend' NP

Tip: you will need to add ''s' to 'the girl' to achieve the nesting in a way that seems natural).

Type your answers in the boxes below and then compare your effort with ours.

Our answers:

LINKING the girl and the friend
LISTING the girl, the friend
NESTING the girl's friend


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