Topic twelve 'tool' summary
In this topic we have explored two important ways in which ‘the
meaning between the lines’ can be explored in plays.
In session A we have looked at how we can infer what is meant from what
is said mainly through Grice’s account of conversational cooperation
and its associated maxims and we have seen it at work in extracts from
two plays, helping us to understand the ‘subtext’ of a play
and relations between characters.
In session B have gone on to explore the role of politeness in conversation
in general, and dramatic talk in particular.
We have distinguished positive and negative face-threatening acts (FTAs),
and how face threat can be mitigated through linguistic means and we have
used politeness analysis in extracts from two plays to show how we can
infer characterisation, character-based conversational styles and character
relations from politeness behaviour.
Don’t forget to do some reading to follow up on these topics.