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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 12 - Meaning between the lines (Session A) > Gricean Self-Test skip topic navigation

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Gricean Self-Test
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Gricean Self-Test

Work your way through the test, there are ten questions in total. Select the answer which you feel is correct. At the end you can see what score you got.

1. What Gricean maxim is involved if someone is accused of committing perjury?

2. What are the main two Gricean maxims involved if someone is said to have 'verbal diarrhoea (you have to get them both to get the mark!)?

3. What Gricean maxim is mainly involved if someone is accused of not keeping to the subject?

4. What Gricean maxim is mainly involved if someone is accused of saying something vaguely or imprecisely?

5. If you flout a Gricean maxim, which adverb below best describes the way in which you break it?

6. If you violate a Gricean maxim, which adverb below best describes the way in which you break it?

7. When, in Devotions, 17, John Donne said 'No man is an island', what Gricean maxim was he flouting?

8. When, in The Acts of the Apostles, 21, 5, St Paul, in referring to Tarsus, said that he was 'a citizen of no mean city', what Gricean maxim was he flouting?

9. Look at the following dialogue. What maxim does B flout and what implicatuire follows from it (you have to get both questions right to get the mark!).

A: How is it going with your new child?
B: Well, babies are babies.

The maxim flouted is:

The implicature that flows from it is:

10. Look at the following dialogue. What is the main maxim that B flouts and what implicature follows from it (you have to get both questions right to get the mark).

A: How did you get on with your seminar preparation this week?
B: Well, I couldn't get any books out of the library.

The maxim flouted is:

The implicature that flows from it is:


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