Gregory I.N., DeBats D. and Lafreniere D. (2017, in press) The Routledge Handbook of Spatial History Routledge: London
Gregory I., Peniston-Bird C., Donnelly P. and Hughes M. (2017) Lancaster: Remembering 1914-18 History Press: Stroud
Cooper, D., Donaldson, C. and Murrieta-Flores, P. (2016) Literary Mapping in the Digital Age, Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities, Routledge: Abingdon.
Gregory, I. and Geddes, A. (2014) Towards Spatial Humanities: Historical GIS and Spatial History. Indiana University Press: Bloomington.
Journal Special Issues:
Gregory, I.N., Donaldson, C., Murrieta-Flores, P. and Rayson, P. (2015, eds.) International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 9(1). Special issue on “Spatial Humanities.” See the IJHAC website
Articles & Book Chapters:
Atkinson P. and Gregory I. (in press) “Finding child welfare in Victorian newspapers: an exercise in corpus-based discourse analysis” Journal of Interdisciplinary History
Atkinson P., Francis B., Gregory I. and Porter C. (in press) “Spatial modelling of rural infant mortality and occupation in nineteenth-century Britain” Demographic Research
Baker H., Gregory I., Hartmann D. and McEnery T. (in press) “Applying Geographical Information Systems to researching historical corpora: Seventeenth-century prostitution” Mahlberg, M. and Wiegand, V. (eds.) Corpus Linguistics, Context and Culture. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton
Gregory I. and Peniston-Bird C. (2017, in press) “The Second Battle of Ypres and a Northern English Town: Digital Humanities and the First World War” in Gregory I.N., DeBats D. and Lafreniere D. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Spatial History. Routledge: London
Murrieta-Flores P. and Gregory I. (in press) “Cruzando fronteras en Humanidades Digitales: Análisis Geográfico de Textos de interés histórico y arqueológico con Sistemas de Información Geográfica.” in Jiménez-Badillo D. (ed.). Arqueología Computacional. Nuevos enfoques para el análisis y la difusión del patrimonio cultural. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH): Mexico
Gregory I.N., Donaldson C., Hardie A. and Rayson P. (in press) “Modelling space and time in historical texts” in Flanders J. and Jannidis F. (eds.) Data Modelling in the Digital Humanities. Routledge: London
Atkinson P., Francis B., Gregory I. and Porter C. (2017) “Patterns of infant mortality in rural England and Wales, 1850-1910” Economic History Review, 70, pp. 1268-1290
Butler J.O., Donaldson C.E., Taylor J.E. and Gregory I.N. (2017) “Alts, Abbreviations, and AKAs: Historical onomastic variation and automated named entity recognition” Journal of Map and Geography Libraries, 13, pp. 58-81
Donaldson C., Gregory I.N. and Taylor J.E. (2017) “Implementing GIS and corpus analysis to investigate historical travel writing and topographical literature about the English Lake District” Journal of Historical Geography, 56, pp. 43-60
Murrieta-Flores P., Donaldson C. and Gregory I. (2017) “GIS and Literary History: Advancing digital humanities research through the spatial analysis of historical travel writing and topographical literature” Digital Humanities Quarterly, 11(1)
Donaldson, C., Bushell, S., Gregory, I.N., Taylor, J.E. and Rayson P. (2016) “Digital literary geography and the difficulties of locating ‘Redgauntlet Country'” Studies in Scottish Literature, 42, pp. 174-183
Donaldson C., Gregory I.N. and Taylor J.E. (2016) “Implementing corpus analysis and GIS to examine historical accounts of the English Lake District” in Bol P. (ed.) Historical Atlases. North Asia History Foundation: Seoul, Korea. pp. 153-172
Gregory, I.N., Atkinson, P., Hardie, A., Joulain-Jay, A., Kershaw, D., Porter, C., Rayson, P. & Rupp, C.J. (2016) “From digital resources to historical scholarship with the British Library 19th Century Newspaper Collection” Journal of Siberian Federal University: Humanities and social sciences, 9, pp. 994-1006.
Gregory I. and Donaldson C. (2016) “Geographical Text Analysis: Digital cartographies of Lake District literature” in Cooper D., Donaldson C.D. and Murrieta-Flores P. (eds.) Literary Mapping in the Digital Age, Routledge: Abingdon. pp. 67-87
Gregory I.N. and Murrieta-Flores P. (2016) “Geographical Information Systems as a tool for exploring the spatial humanities” in Crompton C., Lane R.J. and Siemens R. (eds.) Doing Digital Humanities: Practice, training, research. Routledge: Abingdon. pp. 177-192
Lilley, K. and Porter, C. (2016) “GIS, Spatial Technologies and Digital Mapping.” In: S. Gunn, and L. Faire, eds. Research Methods for History. 2nd Ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Donaldson, C., Gregory, I.N. and Murrieta-Flores, P. (2015) “Mapping ‘Wordsworthshire’: A GIS study of literary tourism in Victorian England” Journal of Victorian Culture, 20, pp. 287-307.
Hastings S., Gregory I.N. and Atkinson P. (2015) “Explaining geographical variations in English rural infant mortality decline using place-centred reading” Historical Methods, 48, pp. 128-140
Gregory, I.N., Cooper, D., Hardie, A. and Rayson, P. (2015). “Spatializing and analysing digital texts: Corpora, GIS and places” In: Bodenhamer D., Corrigan J. and Harris T. (eds.) Spatial Narratives and Deep Maps. Indiana University Press: Bloomington
Gregory, I.N., Donaldson, C., Murrieta-Flores, P. and Rayson, P. (2015) “Geoparsing, GIS and textual analysis: Current developments in Spatial Humanities research” International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 9, pp. 1-14.
Murrieta-Flores, P., Baron, A., Gregory, I.N., Hardie, A. and Rayson, P. (2015) “Automatically analysing large texts in a GIS environment: The Registrar General’s reports and cholera in the nineteenth century” Transactions in GIS, 19, pp.296-320.
Murrieta-Flores P. and Gregory I.N. (2015) “Further frontiers in GIS: Extending spatial analysis to textual sources in archaeology” Open Archaeology, 1, pp. 166-175
Porter, C., Atkinson, P., Gregory, I.N. (2015) “Geographical Text Analysis: A new approach to understanding nineteenth-century mortality” Health & Place, 36, pp.25-34
Gregory I.N. (2014) “Challenges and opportunities for Digital History” Frontiers in Digital Humanities, 1, pp. 1-2
Gregory, I.N., Baron, A., Cooper, D., Hardie, A., Murrieta-Flores, P. and Rayson, P. (2014) “Crossing Boundaries: Using GIS in literary studies, history and beyond” In: Hueber J and Mendes da Silva (eds.) Keys for architectural history research in the digital era (Actes de colloquies & livres en ligne) institute national D’Histoire de l’Art: Paris.
Gregory, I.N. and Geddes, A. (2014) “From historical GIS to spatial humanities: challenges and opportunities”. Gregory, I. & Geddes, A. (eds.). Indiana University Press: Bloomington, p. 172-185.
Gregory, I.N. and Geddes, A. (2014) “From historical GIS to spatial humanities: deepening scholarship and broadening technology”. Gregory, I. & Geddes, A. (eds.). Indiana University Press: Bloomington, p. ix-xix.
Gregory, I.N. and Cooper, D. (2013) “The interdisciplinary mapping of the past: Geographical technologies, history and texts” Journal of Victorian Culture, 18, pp. 265-272.
Chesnokova, O., Gregory I.N. and Purves, R., “Comparing digital traces of modern travellers to journeys of two 18th-19th century British poets”, GIScience 2016 Proceedings.
Donaldson C., Murrieta-Flores P. and Gregory I. (2016) “Distant readings of the geographies in text corpora: Mapping Norman Nicholson’s poems and letters.” In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Digital Humanities in Luxembourg with a Special Focus on Reading Historical Sources in the Digital Age. Vol. 1681. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Aachen:
Porter C., Atkinson P. and Gregory I. (2015) “Combining statistics and texts using GIS: 19th century health reports” in Malleson N., Addis N., Durham H., Heppenstall A., Lovelace R., Norman P. and Oldroyd R. (eds.) GISRUK 2015 Proceedings, pp. 492-499
Rupp, C.J., Rayson, P., Gregory, I., Hardie, A., Joulain-Jay, A.T., and Hartmann, D. “Dealing with heterogeneous big data when geoparsing historical corpora”, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big data, p. 80-83.
Murrieta-Flores, P., Donaldson, C., Gregory, I., Rupp, C.J., Hardie, A. and Rayson, P. “GIS in the Humanities: Entering the Historical and Literary Dimensions”, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London, 29/08/13.
Gregory, I., Baron, A., Murrieta-Flores, P., Hardie, A., Rayson, P. and Rupp, C.J., “Geographical Text Analysis: GIS approaches to analysing large volumes of text” GIS Research UK, Liverpool, 04/04/13.
Murrieta-Flores, P., Cooper, D. and Gregory, I. “Spatial Humanities: Exploring and Analysing Texts within a GIS environment”, Digital Humanities Congress, Sheffield, 6-8/09/12.
Joulain-Jay, A. “Corpus Linguistics, and why you might want to use it, despite what (you think) you know about it“, RSVP Blog, 26/09/2016.
Joulain-Jay, A. “Dealing with Optical Character Recognition errors in Victorian newspapers“, British Library Digital Scholarship Blog, 20/07/2016.
Porter, C. “A temporal & spatial investigation of disease in 19th century British newspapers“, British Library Digital Scholarship Blog, 08/07/2016.
© Spatial Humanities: Texts, GIS & Places