Images: Kendal

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Kendal Nether Bridge
Kendal: Kirkland
Kendal Parish Church
Kendal Stricklandgate and Moot Hall
Kendal Marketplace
Kendal Market
Kendal from the Castle, 1832
Kendal Castle from Kirklands
Kendal and Castle
Kendal: The Fleece Inn 
Kendal: Alderman Sandes’ Hospital
Kendal: Black Hall
Kendal: Stramongate Bridge
Kendal: Castle Dairy
Kendal from Greenbank

Kendal’s ancient buildings are largely eighteenth-century, and the current Friends Meeting House was built in 1816. There are some seventeenth-century buildings, but none directly connected with Fox. The Old Fleece Inn, Kendal’s oldest surviving hostelry, is traditionally dated 1654, though this may relate to the building next door; Sandes’ Hospital, gatehouse and almshouses, was not built till 1663 (NMR). However, Black Hall at 69 Stricklandgate is a 16th-century building: in 1575 it was the home of the first Alderman (mayoral equivalent) Henry Wilson; and the Castle Dairy in Wildman Street over Stramongate Bridge was a 14th-century house renovated in the 1560s for local notable Anthony Garnett. For some further excellent photographs and descriptions of these and other buildings by Matthew Emmott, go to the Visit Cumbria website at This site also has an enthusiastic section on ‘Ancient public houses that are no longer pubs’. When you have finished, close that browser window.

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