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Retrospective Workshop Agenda

Retrospective Workshop For English FLAs and French Responsables – CIEP, Sèvres 23 March 2005


•  09.00-09.15 Welcome and introduction

•  09.15-15.00 Student sessions

09.15-11.00 Student Session 1: Reflecting on the live recording

11.00-11.15 COFFEE

11.15-13.00 Student Session 2: Reflecting on the student/mentor relationship

13.00-14.00 LUNCH

14.00-15.00 Student Session 3: Reflecting on the assistantship experience

•  15.00-16.00 Mentors only

Reflecting on the live recording

Reflecting on the student/mentor relationship

16.00-16.15 TEA

•  16.15-18.00 Mentors and students

Reflecting on the live recording and the student/mentor relationship

Assessing the impact of the PIC project


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