Further Reading
The works listed below include the standard works on manorial records and publications relating to manorial records in Cumbria. For a comprehensive listing of works relating to manor courts, see the bibliography compiled by Dr Christopher Harrison of Keele University (Manor
Court Bibliography and Vocabulary).
Manorial records in general
- Harvey, P D A, Manorial Records. British Records Association,
Archives and the User No. 5, revised edition, 1999 [the best introduction to medieval manorial records, with a chapter on early-modern manor court records]
- Ault, Warren O, Open Field Farming in Medieval England: a study of
village by-laws, London: George Allen & Unwin, 1972.
- Bailey, Mark, The English Manor c.1200-c1500, Manchester University
Press, 2002 [excellent introductions to surveys, extents and rentals; manorial accounts; and manor court records with selected examples of these sources translated and annotated]
- Harrison, Christopher, 'Manor courts and the governance of Tudor England',
in Christopher Brooks and Michael Lobban (eds.), Communities and Courts
in Britain 1150-1900, London: Hambledon, 1997, pp.43-59.
- Hearnshaw, F J C, Leet Jurisdiction in England, Southampton Record
Society, 1908.
- King, Walter J, 'Leet jurors and the search for law and order in seventeenth-century
England: "galling persecution" or reasonable justice?', Histoire Sociale
- Social History, no. 26 (1980), 305-23
- King, Walter J, 'Untapped resources for social historians: court leet
records', Journal of Social History, 15 (1982), 699-705.
- Razi, Zvi and Smith, Richard M. (eds.), Medieval Society and the Manor
Court, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.
- Stuart, Denis, Manorial Records: An introduction to their transcription and translation, Chichester: Phillimore, 1992.
Studies using Cumbrian manorial records
- Dilley, Robert S, 'The Cumberland court leet and use of the common lands', Transactions of Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological
Society, new series 67 (1967), 125-51.
- Dilley, Robert S, 'Rogues, raskells and turkie faced jades: malediction
in the Cumbrian manorial courts', Transactions of Cumberland &
Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society, new series 97 (1997), 143-51.
- Holdsworth, Philip, 'Manorial administration in Westmorland 1589-1693', Transactions of Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological
Society, 3rd series, 5 (2005), 137-64.
- Searle, C E, 'Customary tenants and the enclosure of the Cumbrian
commons', Northern History, 29 (1993), 126-53
- Searle, C E, 'Custom, class conflict and agrarian capitalism: the Cumbrian
customary economy in the eighteenth century', Past & Present
110 (1986), 106-33.
- Winchester, Angus J L, The Harvest of the Hills: rural life in northern
England and the Scottish Borders, 1400-1700, Edinburgh University
Press, 2000.
Printed texts of Cumbrian manorial records
- Bagot, Annette, 'Mr. Gilpin and manorial customs', Transactions of
Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society,
new series 62 (1962), 224-45. [Includes discussion of a treatise
re manorial customs in Kendal barony ]
- Breay, John, Light in the Dales, Norwich: Canterbury Press, 1996.
[Includes texts of manor court byelaws from Ravenstonedale]
- Hodgson, W, 'A century of "paines" or local government in the time of
the Stuarts, as illustrated by extracts from "A Paine Book for the Hamlet
of Weathermelock"', Transactions of Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian
& Archaeological Society, old series 7 (1883), 27-47.
- Hudleston, Nigel, 'Elizabethan paines at Hutton John', Transactions
of Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society,
new series 69 (1969), 115-28.
- Thompson, B L, 'The Windermere "Four and Twenty"', Transactions of
Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society,
new series 54 (1954), 151-64.
- Whiteside, J, 'Paines made at Shap', Transactions of Cumberland &
Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society, new series 3 (1903), 150-62.
- Winchester, Angus J L, The Harvest of the Hills: reural life in northern England and the Scottish Borders, 1400-1700, Edinburgh University Press, 2000 [Includes the texts of manor court byelaws from Windermere, Alston Moor and Wasdale Head]
< Using Manorial Records