Account of the Reeve of Brough Sowerby, 1424-5

Cumbria Record Office, Kendal, WD/Hoth, box 45
Soureby |
Compotus Thome Sayfe prepositi de Soureby iuxta Burgh subtus |
Staynesmore per tempus infrascripum. |
Arrenda nulla quia Johannes Scardale prepositus ibidem in anno proximo |
praeterito de compoto suo eiusdem anni recessit quietus |
Idem respondet de vij d de libera firma terrarum et tenementi Willelmi |
Bernes ibidem per annum terminis Pentecosti et sancti Martini in Hieme |
Et de iiij li x s de firma fatus manerij cum terris et pratis dominicalibus |
adiacentibus in tenura Roberi Cumstonxj s iij d Johannis Glentonxj s iij d |
[junioris] Johannisxj s iij d Ladyman. Willelmixj s iij d Johnson Johannisxj s iij d |
Halgarth et Johannis Glentonxj s iij d senioris |
Et de vij li xiiij s de firma x terr[arum] husbandi
ibidem per annum eisdem |
terminis et solebant reddere vij li xvj s in tenura tenentum subsequentum |
videlicet in tenura Thome Wachett J pro xx s Johannis Glenton J pro xvj s |
Roberti Cumston J pro xx s Johannis Wardale J pro xx s Thome Skayfe J |
pro xx s Johannis Ladyman J pro xviij s et solebat reddere xx s W[illelmi] |
J pro xx s et Johannis Glenton senioris J pro xx s |
Et de. lij s iiij d de firma omnium Cotag[iorum] et
Grismenlandi ibidem |
per annum eisdem terminis redd[endum] de tenementis
subsequen[tibus] |
videlicet de Henrico Skayfe cum iiij d pro forland pro uno tenemento xj s |
iiij d de Galfrido Watchett pro ij tenementis ix s de Johanni Godfray pro |
uno tenemento V s de Johanni Glenton pro (hole, possibly J) tenemento; ij |
s de Johanni Halgarth pro uno Cotagio V s de Johanne Glenton Seniore |
pro uno Cotagio iij s de Willelmo Wardale pro J Cotagio V s de Thoma |
Wardale pro uno Cotagio; [x] s et de Willelmo Bernes pro J Cotagio; ij s |
Et de xxxiij s iiij d de firma molendini aquatici ibidem pro blado per |
annum eisdem terminis |
Et de xl s - de
firma unius Vaccarij vocata Thornhowscale in tenura |
Johannis Whithede et Thome
Walker per annum eisdem terminis |
R[esponsus] |
Glenton De exitubus unius Curie tente ibidem hoc anno Collec[cionis] |
per Johannem Glenton Seniorem – non hic res[pondet] quia contin[uetur] |
inferius in pede huius compoti |
Summa totius recepti |
xviij li x s iij d |
Liberacio denariorum |
De quibus liberantur Willelmo Crakanthorp Receptori huius |
denarij per unam talliam inde levatam - xvj li xviij s J d |
Summa omnium liberacionum: xvj li xviij s J d. Et sic debet |
xxxij s ij d postea oner[acionum] de vij s viij d de exitu unius |
Curie tente ibidem hoc anno collec[toris] per Johannem |
Glenton et Thomam Skayfe ut patet rotulis Curiae. Et sic est |
Summa debiti xxxix s x d De quibus allocat[a ]dictis Johanni et |
Thome pro eorum regardo causa Collec[cionis] exitum eiusdem |
Cutie pro hoc
anno: ij s Et
sic debet xxxvij s x d Cum quibus |
Willelmus Crakanthorp Receptor huius denarii oner[atur] in |
compoto suo dicti officij de hoc anno Et sic recessit. |
Soureby |
account of Thomas S[c]ayfe, reeve of Soureby near Burgh under |
Staynesmore for the period written below. |
Arrears: nil, as
John Scardale reeve there last year stepped down quit
for |
that year. |
He answers for 7d for the free farm of the lands
and tenement of William |
Bernes there for the year, at
Whitsuntide and
St Martin in winter [11 |
November] |
And for £4 10s
from the farm of the said manor house with the adjacent |
demesne lands and
meadows in the tenure of Robert Cumston 11s 3d John |
Glenton 11s 3d the younger, John 11s
3d Ladyman, William 11s 3d Johnson, |
John 11s 3d Halgarth and John Glenton 11s 3d the elder. |
And for £7 14s for the farm of ten husbandlands
there per year at the same |
terms , which used to render £7 16s, in the holding
of the following |
tenants, namely: one held by Thomas Wachett for 20s; one held by John |
Glenton for 16s, one held by Robert Cumston for 20s, one held
by John |
Wardale for 20s, one held by Thomas Skayfe for 20s, one held by John |
Ladyman for 18s which used to render 20s, one held by William Johnson |
for 20s, and one
held by John Glenton the elder for 20s. |
And for 52s 4d for the farm of all the cottages and grismenland there per |
per year at the
same terms, rendering from the following holdings, namely |
from Henry Skayfe with 4d for forland for one holding 11s 4d, from |
Geoffrey Watchett for two holdings 9s, from John Godfray for one holding |
5s, from John Glenton for … holding 2s,
from John Halgarth for one |
cottage 5s, from John Glenton the elder for one cottage 3s, from William |
Wardale for one cottage 5s, from Thomas Wardale for one cottage 10s, |
and from William Bernes for one
cottage 2s. |
And for 33s 4d from
the farm of the water corn mill there per year at the |
same terms. |
And for 40s from
the farm of one vaccary called Thornhowscale in the |
tenure of John Whithede and Thomas Walker per year
at the same terms. |
The return of |
Glenton [in margin] For the issues of one court held there this
year |
received by John Glenton the elder: not
accounted for here as they are |
carried over below at the foot of this account. |
Sum of all receipts: £18 10s 3d |
Delivery of monies |
which is delivered to William Crakanthorp, the
receiver of |
this money in one count thus raised: £16 18s 1d |
Sum of all payments: £16 18s 1d. And thus he owes 32s 2d |
afterwards charged with 7s 8d for the issues of one court held |
there this year received by John Glenton and Thomas Skayfe as |
appears in the court rolls. And so the sum of debts of 39s 10d. |
From which is allowed to the said John and Thomas to |
themselves for collecting the issues
of the said court this year: |
2s. And so
he owes 37s 9d. With which William Crakanthorp, |
receiver of this money, is charged in his
account of the said |
office for this year. And thus he [i.e. Thomas Scayfe, the reeve] |
steps down. |
The Manorial Documents
Register includes financial accounts (Latin compoti) drawn up by
manorial officials, such as reeves (or ‘graves’) and bailiffs. The division
between manorial accounts and estate accounts is somewhat arbitrary: accounts
may be classed as ‘manorial’ if they contain details of income and expenditure
relating specifically to manorial administration, such as income from
holding manorial courts (the ‘pleas and perquisites of courts’) or from
entry fines and heriots, or expenditure on carrying out a perambulation of the boundaries of the manor, for example. Manorial accounts are generally
in Latin. They sometimes contain names of individual people or properties
but the focus is on sums of money.
This extract from the account roll for the Clifford estates
in Westmorland for the accounting year 1424-5 illustrates the typical
components of manorial income accounted for by the local reeve. Thomas Skayfe’s account contains the following elements:
- arrears: none are charged to the
account, as none were carried over from the account of John Scardale, the previous year’s reeve.
- free rents: a typically small sum
(7d) from a freehold estate held of the manor. The sum was paid at the usual ‘terms’,
Whitsuntide and Martinmas (11 November).
- leased demesne land: the manor
house and demesne land has been farmed out to six tenants, who each pay
11s 3d. Few landlords were working their demesnes directly by the 15th
- husbandlands:
these ten holdings are the peasant farms in the village. The term ‘husbandland’
was found widely in Scotland and north-east England and, less commonly, in Cumbria.
It was a notional measure of land,
signifying a share of the township community’s land, rather than a precise
acreage. Notice that the entry
refers to ten husbandlands but only eight
tenants are named, probably reflecting a lack of available tenants after
the Black Death, over seventy years before the date of this account. The reduction in rent paid by one of the
tenants reflects the depressed economic conditions of the 1420s in
northern England.
- cottages and ‘grismenland’:
the sum of 52s 4d comes from a variety of other land let to the tenant
community: cottages (some may have been smallholdings which were not
accounted part of the core of husbandlands), ‘forland’ (a term similar to ‘assart’
or ‘intake’, i.e. land more recently enclosed and brought into
cultivation, which had not been absorbed into the husbandlands and was thus accounted for separately. By the 15th century, the ‘forland’ may
well have been of some antiquity: most was a result of colonisation in the
13th century), and ‘grismenland’ (probably
pasture rents paid by people who did not hold cultivated land in the
manor, whether cottagers with no land or people from outside the manor).
- corn mill: the manorial watermill
to which the tenants were bound to take their grain to be ground.
- vaccary: a
cattle farm, probably originally a demesne cattle ranch but by this date
let to tenants, as the account shows.
- income from the manor court: the
fines and amercements levied by the manor court
formed part of the lord’s income. The account shows that only one court had been held for Brough Sowerby that year and
that 2s had to be set against the income of the court (7s 8d) to pay John Glenton and Thomas Skayfe for collecting it.
After the sum of the receipts (£18 10s 3d) is noted, the
final paragraph, written, significantly, in the same bolder hand as the heading
of the account, explains how the money has been paid. £16 18s 1d has gone straight to William Crackenthorpe, the lord’s receiver. After noting the income and expenditure on
the holding of the manor court, 37s 9d remains and this is charged to the
receiver’s account.
With thanks to John Gowling of Brough Sowerby for permission to
use his transcript and translation of this extract.
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