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Selected PublicationsMobilities.lab teams have documented research in numerous publication. A small selection of articles is represented here, more can be found on individual members' websites. BooksBüscher, M., Urry, J., Witchger, K. (Eds.) (2010) Mobile methods. Routledge. Bærenholdt, J.O., Büscher, M., Damm Scheuer, J., Simonsen, J. (Eds.) (2010) Design research. Synergies from interdisciplinary perspectives. Routledge. Büscher, M., Goodwin, D. and Mesman, J. (Eds.) (2009) Ethnographies of diagnostic work. Perspectives on transformative practice. Palgrave. Voß, A., Slack, R.; Rouncefield, M; Procter, R.; Ho, K.; Hartswood, M.; Büscher, M. (Eds.) (2009) Configuring user-designer relations: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Springer Verlag. ArticlesBirtchnell, T. and Büscher, M. (2010) Stranded: An eruption of disruption. Introduction to special section in: Mobilities 6(1):1-9. Büscher M., O'Neill J, Rooksby J (2009) Designing for Diagnosing: Introduction to the Special Issue on Diagnostic Work. Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work Vol.18: 109-28. Büscher M., Kristensen, M., Mogensen, P. (2008). Making the future palpable: Notes from a major incident Future Laboratory. International Journal of Emergency Management, Vol 5(1-2). Revised version of contribution to Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), May 13th-16th 2007 Delft, The Netherlands. Sangiorgi, D., Hemment, D. and Büscher, M. (2008) Everyday imagination, practices, systems: Designing with people for systemic change. In Conference Proceedings of Changing the change: An international conference on the role and potential of design research in the transition towards sustainability, Torino, 10th - 11th - 12th July 2008. Büscher M., Kristensen, M. and Mogensen, P. (2008) When and how (not) to trust IT? Supporting virtual emergency teamwork. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Vol 1(2): 1-15. Büscher M. (2007) Interaction in motion: Embodied conduct in emergency teamwork. In: Mondada L. Proceedings of the 2nd International Society for Gesture Studies Conference 'Interacting Bodies', 15-18 June 2005, Lyon, France. [accessed 23 March 2010]. |
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Department of Sociology, Bowland North, Lancaster University, LA1 4YT, UK | Tel: +44 (0) 1524 592680 E-mail: mobilties@lancaster.ac.uk |