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Style in Fiction Symposium (SIFS)

PALA (Poetics and Linguistics Association) International symposium, 11th March 2006, Lancaster University
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took place at Lancaster on 11 March 2006.

Mick Short and Geoffrey LeechA digital recording of the day's presentations and discussions will be freely available from this website, and also from the website of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) from 1 May 2006 to
7 May 2006 inclusive.

Thereafter, the materials will be available in the members-only section of the PALA website until 30 April 2111.

Presentations and discussions were on the theme of the stylistic and structural analysis of fiction writing and included...

Presentations by:

  • Professor Barbara Dancygier (University of British Columbia)
  • Dr Catherine Emmott (University of Glasgow)
  • Professor David Hoover (New York University)
  • Dr Elena Semino (Lancaster University)

Opening contributions from the host organizers, Professors Mick Short and Geoffrey Leech

A panel discussion on: ‘Future directions in the stylistics of fiction’ with:

  • Dr. Paul Simpson (Queen's University Belfast)
  • Professor Peter Stockwell (University of Nottingham) (Chair)
  • Professor Michael Toolan (University of Birmingham)
  • Professor Peter Verdonk (University of Amsterdam)

The symposium was chaired by Professor Katie Wales (University of Sheffield).


Why the Symposium?

Style in fiction book coverTo celebrate its Silver Jubilee in 2005, PALA held a poll of its members to award a prize to ‘the most influential book in stylistics’ to be published in its 25-year history. The prize was awarded to Style in Fiction by Geoffrey Leech and Mick Short, published by Longman in 1981.

As a result, PALA decided to hold this special symposium, hosted by the two authors.


Mick Short & Geoff Leech
Lancaster University

Organising committee:

Geoffrey Leech
Mick Short
Elaine Heron
Raksangob Wijitsopon
Brian Walker

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Department of Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University, LA1 4YT, United Kingdom
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