Please find belowa list of the Papers and Posters to be presented at the Linguistic Impoliteness And Rudeness II (LIAR II) conference.
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“Less feminine means less polite?” The use of male-preferred form sugee in complimenting by young Japanese females, Chie Adachi, University of Edinburgh, U.K.
The acquisition of discourse markers in L2 environments: avoiding impoliteness, Carolina P. Amador Moreno and María Isabel Rodríguez Ponce, University of Extremadura, Spain
Impoliteness in radio call-in programmes, Jemima Asabea Anderson, University of Ghana, Legon (West Africa)
Scaling Intentionality: Revisiting Goffman’s (1967) assessment of (potential) face threat, Dawn Archer, University of Central Lancashire, U.K.
Academic politeness in a multilingual/cultural classroom, Nahla Bacha, Lebanese American University, Lebanon
Street impoliteness and rudeness: A Lebanese case study, Rima Bahous, Lebanese American University, Lebanon
(Im)politeness in the Darwin Year. Evolutionary notes on an interactional practice: Defining socio-proxemic space, Marcel Bax, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
The iron fist in a velvet glove: How politeness can contribute to impoliteness, Arın Bayraktaroğl, University of Cambridge, U.K. and Maria Sifianou, University of Athens, Greece
The occurrence of ‘face threat-face repair’ sequences in prime time TV talk shows, Yasemin Bayyurt, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
(Im)polite communication and the issue of language reception in Algerian geographical speech communities, Khadija Belfarhi, University of Annaba, Algeria
Verbal aggression and impoliteness in Spanish talk shows, María Bernal, Stockholm University, Sweden
What do students write about their teachers when they think they remain anonymous? An analysis of impoliteness forms used in a discussion on the web portal, Monika Bogdanowska, University of Silesia, Poland
The importance of being (im)polite – A diachronic investigation of face issues in British news reports, Birte Bös, Universität Rostock, Germany
“My Lord, if you over rule me, I cannot help it”: Conflict in the arraignment phase of 17 th century trials, Elisabetta Cecconi, University of Florence, Italy
The role of politeness theory in young adults’ safer-sex talk, Karishma Chatterjee, University of Texas, U.S.A.
Repetition, silence and (im)politeness in Chinese TV talk shows, Yao Chen, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Politeness on the social network site Orkut: Perspectives from lesser-studied cultural group, Bengalis, Anupam Das, Indiana University, U.S.A.
Impolite orders in ancient Greek: The οὐκ ἐρεῖς ; type, Camille Denizot, Université de Rouen, France
Dealing with discursive challenges: Re-envisioning the role of discourse, the researcher, and interactional practice in politeness research, Stephen DiDomenico, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
The element of sarcasm in “On Golden Pond”: a relevance-theoretic approach to impoliteness via indirect character development, Gürkan Doğan, Çankaya University, Turkey
Rudeness and insults in Cyprus verbal dueling: The necessary means for the construction of powerful and witty masculine identities, Elli Doukanari, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Cross-cultural and situational variation in requesting behaviour, Maria Economidou-Kogetsidis, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Immature boys and vulgar girls? Verbal abuse and the formation of social age and gender among 8 th graders, Miriam Eliasson, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Impoliteness as a means of contesting power in racist discourse, Enas Elsheikh, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, U.K.
Teaching impoliteness to EFL students: A necessity or an alternative?, Farzin Fahimnia and Zahra Mozafari Rad, Azad University of Bandar Abbas, Iran
Is web polite or impolite? A case study on English, German, Persian, and Arabic, Ali Famian and Samaneh Famian, Payame Noor University, Iran
“I meant it as a compliment, you fool!” A contrastive analysis of mock impoliteness in Spanish and Portuguese “insulting” compliments, Carmen Maiz-Arevalo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain and Rita Faria, Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal
Could politeness be rude?, Iva Fidancheva, Jena University, Germany
Power and politeness, Catriona Fraser, The University of Melbourne, Australia
A case study of refusal utterances in English given by a Japanese speaker including possibilities to offend the interlocutor, Yumiko Furumura, Kyushu University, Japan
Congratulating or questioning? A case study of Peruvian Spanish speakers’ responses to good news, Carmen García Fernandez, Arizona State University, U.S.A.
Im/politeness in EFL: A study of agreement and disagreement sequences, María García-Pastor, University of Valencia, Spain
Impoliteness in conflictual service encounters, Bettina Kraft, University of Reading, U.K. and Ronald Geluykens, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Responding to face-threatening acts: A contrastive analysis of threat responses, Ronald Geluykens and Holger Limberg, University of Oldenburg, Germany
‘Don’t be stupid about intelligent design’. Confrontational impoliteness in medical journal editorials, Davide S. Giannoni, University of Bergamo, Italy
Impoliteness and conventional metaphor, Andrew Goatly, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Let’s talk rude!: Disembodied voices, impoliteness and sex-related dysphemistic expressions, Antonio García Gómez, University of Alcalá de Henares de Madrid, Spain
The politeness/impoliteness strategies in the language of Polish and American animated series, Aleksandra Górska, University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland
The grammatical expression of politeness in Tapirapé, Walkiria N. Praça and Helena Da S.G. Vincente, Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil
Im/politeness in the pursuit of intimacy? An analysis of British pick-up artist (PUA) interactions, Oliver Hambling-Jones and Andrew Merrison, York St John University, U.K.
Insincere apologies for trivial offences, Sandra Harrison, Coventry University, U.K.
Rules of impoliteness and refusals: Types of face threat and achieved goals, Çiler Hatipoğlu, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Taboo or not taboo?: bathroom graffiti and the GP consultation, Heather Hewitt, University of Edinburgh, U.K.
The role of politeness in business research: Issues and implications for researchers, Beverley Hill, University of Gloucestershire, U.K.
Narratives of ‘impoliteness ’ experiences as a way to access the hearer’s criteria for politeness, Noriko Inagaki, School of African and Oriental Studies, University of London, U.K.
Explicit evaluative comments on Turkish impoliteness: Building a model of impoliteness2 on impoliteness1, Hale Isik-Guler, University of Warwick, U.K.
Face attack in the hospital situation, Ewa Jakubowska, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
Undermining by bureaucracy: adversarial ‘negotiations’ between council and community, Lesley Jeffries, University of Huddersfield, U.K.
When journalists break the rules: Insulting public figures during broadcast interviews, Zohar Kampf and Tamar Liebes, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Issues of cross-cultural interruption in a multicultural group, Argyro Kantara, Athens Metropolitan College, Greece
A typology of impoliteness behaviour for the English and Spanish cultures, Silvia Kaul de Marlangeon, National University of Rio Cuarto , Argentina and Laura Alba-Juez , National Distance Education University , Spain
Self-enhancement vs. self-effacement and impoliteness vs. politeness, Xiuhua Ke, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Verbal aggression: Towards a typology of contextual parameters, Ekkehard König and Katerina Stathi, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Self-promotion and other-depreciation in scientific discourse: Cross-cultural corpus research, Grzegorz Kowalski, University of Warsaw, Poland
Violent facework in sixteenth-century Dutch farce-writing, Femke Kramer, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Impoliteness strategies in negotiating power in broadcast political interview, Svetlana Kucherenko, Loughborough University, U.K.
Pragmatic transfer in L2 comprehension, production and learning: the role of the teacher, Svetlana Kurtes, University of Cambridge, U.K.
Why Russians often sound impolite, Tatiana Larina, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Acoustic patterns of ‘aggressive’ speech among adolescent Glaswegian males, Robert Lawson, University of Glasgow, U.K.
Cross-cultural impoliteness and inter-lingual word taboos in the language classroom, John Lesko, Saginaw Valley State University, U.S.A./Buraimi College, Oman
The influence of the solidarity and power strategy upon the politeness forms in Arab culture (based on Egyptian dramatic literature), Ewa Machut-Mendecka, University of Warsaw, Poland
‘You are an Indian, you must be puritanical!’ Diversity in the notions of politeness among Indian students, Aradhna Malik, Indian Institute of Technology, India
Advise-acts by Turkish EFL Students, Leyla Marti and Yasemin Bayyurt, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
‘You’re fired’: Impoliteness in BBC TV show The Apprentice, Keith Martin, University of Central Lancashire, U.K.
Untamed vs. tamed speech: Aggravation vs. polite mitigation in language, Lavinia Merlini Barbaresi, University of Pisa, Italy
Do us a favour, Doc? : Comparing e-mail requests from students in higher education in Britain and Australia, Andrew Merrison, York St John University, U.K., Bethan Davies, University of Leeds, U.K. and Michael Haugh, Griffith University, Australia
How to communicate one’s discontent in Japanese: Avoiding rudeness in a culture of sasshi, Kazuko Miyake, Toyo University, Japan
Emphasizing speaker’s benefit in requests: Impoliteness or positive politeness?, Maria Monaco, Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Face-to-face with foreign-language impoliteness: Developing pragmatic competence in a second language, Gerrard Mugford, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico
Social constraints on Persian politeness ritual: Taarof, Golnaz Nanbakhsh, University of Edinburgh, U.K.
Sharing responsibilities and negotiating necessities in English and Polish cultures, Eva Ogiermann and Joerg Zinken, University of Portsmouth, U.K.
Sit down and shut up. Threats to face in the secondary school classroom, Ruth Payne-Woolridge, University of Leeds, U.K.
(Im)politeness and (in)sincerity, Derrin Pinto, University of St. Thomas, U.S.A.
Rapport management in service encounters in Seville: The case of bars at breakfast time, María E. Placencia, Birkbeck College, University of London, U.K. and Ana Mancera Rueda, University of Seville, Spain
Degrees of politeness in English and Romanian print medical advertising, Anisoara Pop, Dimitrie Cantemir University, Romania
Anthropological taboo, strong language, and grammatical mismatches, Gertjan Postma, University of Tampere, Finland
Human rights discourse and politeness: The Saudi Arabian context, Amani Rohayyem, Birkbeck College, University of London, U.K.
“[T]his most unnecessary, unjust, and disgraceful war”: Face-threatening attacks on the Madison Administration during the War of 1812 in federalist newspapers, Juhani Rudanko and Juha Rudanko, University of Tampere, Finland
Face and the cognitive ‘negativity bias’: A view from Turkish and British English, Sukriye Ruhi, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Face attack in political discourse in Georgian (using the example of the act of accusations), Manana Rusieshvili, Tbilisi State University, Georgia
A coding scheme for a fine-grained analysis of (im)polite disagreements in interaction: Bringing together features of conversation analysis and speech act research, Ignacio López Sako, University of Granada, Spain
Negotiating professional identities through face-work in conflict situations. Two case studies of co-leadership, Stephanie Schnurr, The University of Hong Kong and Angela Chan, City University of Hong Kong
Rudeness as avenue for managing diversity and conflict: The case of AYENSIN – Akan Inter-Communal Insults, Yaw Sekyi-Baido, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana
Belligerent broadcasting and business trouble-shooting on television, Michael Higgins and Martin Montgomery, University of Strathclyde, U.K., and Angela Smith, University of Sunderland, U.K.
Trash talk nation: The rise of impoliteness and rudeness in contemporary media, Janet Sternberg, Fordham University, U.S.A.
Facework in e-mail communication in the context of international classroom, Vikki Cecchetto and Magda Stroinska, McMaster University, Canada
“That is so rude! I’m your senior!” The role of power and status in Japanese compliments, Anna Strycharz and Chie Adachi, University of Edinburgh, U.K.
Discursive form and functions of flaming in Nigerian online discussion forums, Rotimi Taiwo, University of Freiburg, Germany/Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria
Mock politeness, Charlotte Taylor, Lancaster University, U.K.
Chinese-influenced impolite lexicon in Singlish as reflection of Singaporean cultural norms, Adrian Tien, National University of Singapore
Face-attack as entertainment – Impoliteness as humour in As Good As It Gets 1, Rachel Toddington, University of Central Lancashire, U.K.
The strategic use of impoliteness to convey caring relations: A Philippine cultural perspective, Mabelle Victoria, The Open University, U.K.
The interplay of self-politeness and other-impoliteness – a data-based study, Anna Wiechecka, University of Edinburgh, U.K.
Politeness or impoliteness - the pragmatic study of the address term “ayi (aunt)” in Shanghai Dialect, Zhang Xiao Ming, Donghua University of Shanghai, China
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The problem of linguistic politeness of the category “gender” in linguistics, Victoria Akulicheva, Moscow State Mining University, Russia
A pragmalinguistic analysis of politeness in literary discourse of English & Arabic, Mohammad Al-Badawi, University of Aberdeen, U.K.
Exploring the use of the exemplar generation data collection method in requests and apologies, Lisa DeWaard Dykstra, Clemson University, U.S.A.
To repair or ‘let-it-pass’. Which is more polite? Misunderstandings and repair in intercultural and English as lingua franca communication, Enas El-Sadek Kilany, Newcastle University, U.K.
The style of Malaysian requests in a formal domain: sociopragmatic approach, Mohammad Fadzeli Jaafar, Marlyna Maros and Maslida Yusof, National University of Malaysia, Malaysia
The rudeness as a means for an achievement of the communicative aim in internet-forum, Maria Kostova, Varna University of Medicine, Bulgaria
Impoliteness in Laki language, Somayeh Rajabi, Azad University of Bandar Abas, Iran
Communication in a Collaborative Learning Tutorial Group: a longitudinal observational case study, Leslie Robinson, Senior Lecturer, University of Salford*
Ta’arof and level of being impolite in the Iranian society, Tea Shurgaia, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University/G. Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies, Georgia
Politeness and impoliteness in cross-cultural communication, Gayane Vlasyan and Irina Vinantova, Chelyabinsk State University, Russia
Radio rude: Interpreting trademark impoliteness in the media, Jerzy Warakomski, NKJO Puławy, Poland