Keynote Speakers
Plenary Speakers
Gradwell, MBE, MA, MCIM
Chief Executive, Breakthrough UK Ltd
Lorraine is the Chief Executive of Breakthrough UK Ltd, a social enterprise
business model which she has led to over £1m annual income and 40 staff,
70% being disabled people, and working to the social model of disability.
Breakthrough provides a range of employment, advocacy and independent
living supports, as well as training, consultancy and policy input to
highest levels. Breakthrough has established a strong national reputation,
being cited as best practice in the Prime Minister's Strategy Unit (PMSU:
2005) Life Chances report. Lorraine's own policy input on disability spans
regional and national Government: including the NW Regional Development
Agency, the NW Regional Assembly, personal membership on two Ministerial
Advisory Committees: DWP Disability Employment Advisory Committee and
(then) DTI Small Business Council, the initial Task Force advising the
Government on the new Commission for Equality and Human Rights and several
aspects of the 'Life Chances' report. Breakthrough
UK Ltd website.
Powerpoint slides for Lorraine's presentation
Helen Meekosha
University of New South Wales, Australia
Helen Meekosha is Associate Professor of Social Work in the School of
Social Sciences & International Studies, University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia. She has published widely in disability studies and
has been involved in the disability movement for nearly 30 years. Dr
Helen Meekosha personal website.
A copy of Helen's paper Contextualizing
disability: developing southern/global theory is available to
download (word document)
Jenny Morris
Independent Policy Analyst and Research Consultant
Jenny Morris is an independent research consultant and policy analyst
who has been working in the field of disability policy for over 20 years.
She led the work on independent living for the Cabinet Office report 'Improving
the Life Chances of Disabled People' and was Executive Director of Independent
Living Review carried out by the Office for Disability Issues (ODI). This
Review resulted in the recent cross-government Independent Living Strategy
and she is currently working with ODI to support its implementation.
Powerpoint slides for Jenny's presentation
Alan Roulstone
De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
Alan Roulstone is Professor of Applied Social Sciences De Montfort University,
UK. He has researched and published on a wide range of disability related
projects and has particular interest in user-led research where disabled
people are at the centre of the research process. Professor
Alan Roulstone personal website.
Powerpoint slides for Alan's presentation
Plenary Discussion Group
Peter Beresford
Brunel University, UK
Peter Beresford is Professor of Social Policy and Director of the Centre
for Citizen Participation at Brunel University. He is also a long term
user of mental health services and Chair of Shaping Our Lives, the independent
national service user controlled organisation and network. He is actively
involved in carrying out survivor research as well as being involved in
the broader mental health service users and disabled people's movement.
He is a Trustee of The Social Care Institute for Excellence and a member
of the advisory board of Involve and the National Institute for Health
Research. Professor
Peter Beresford personal website.
Colin Barnes
University of Leeds, UK
Colin Barnes is a disability activist, writer and researcher with an
international reputation in the field of disability studies and disability
research. He is a member of several local, national and international
organizations controlled and run by disabled people including the National
Centre for Independent Living (NCIL), the Disability Equality in Education
Trust (DEE) and the European Network of Independent Living (ENIL). As
a committed advocate of disabled people's rights, Colin has conducted
research on various disability issues, published widely, and spoken about
the experience of living with impairment in a disabling society to various
audiences in a variety of locations, both in Britain and across the world.
These include the House of Commons, the European Parliament and the World
Health Organisation. He is Professor in Disability Studies at the University
of Leeds, England, and is founder and Director of the University's Centre
for Disability Studies, an independent publisher: The Disability Press,
and the electronic Disability Archive UK. Professor
Colin Barnes personal website.
University of Exeter, UK
Rachel Purtell is a disabled women and a disability activist. She is
a research fellow at Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, University
of Exeter, where she is the Director of the Department of Health funded, (Forum for Collaboration with Users in Research) research project.
The aim of is to change research culture in Health and Social
Care so that research and the implementation of research results reflects
the inspirations and issues of those who use health and social care services.
Rachel is also a freelance trainer in Disability Equality Issues using
a Social Model approach and one that is rooted in the lived experience
of disabled people. She holds a Master of Arts in Disability Studies and
has developed a nationally recognised vocational qualification in disability
equality. She has a background in working for inclusive service user led
organisations and voluntary organisations.