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HEFCE Evaluation Capacity Building in Widening Participation Practice

HEFCE commissioned CSET (now part of the Higher Education Research and Evaluation Centre) and REAP (Researching Equity Access and Participation) in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University to undertake evaluation capacity building in widening participation. For further information about HEFCE's guidance on widening participation see http://www.hefce.ac.uk/whatwedo/wp/

Following a successful pilot project in Summer 2007, the CSET/REAP team delivered a programme of capacity building workshops, eight targeted consultancies and produced a resource toolkit to support evaluation planning and development. More information can be seen as follows:


Resource Toolkit

Find out more about our resource toolkit.


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CSET was a specialist research and evaluation centre within Lancaster University’s Department of Educational Research.  CSET is now part of the Higher Education Research and Evaluation Centre. More»



REAP is a research group within the Department of Educational Research which has particular expertise of the widening participation agenda. More»



Department of Educational Research

Centre for the Study of Education and Training

REAP Research Equity Access and Participation

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