Attending PhD Students

Find us on Facebook

Students attending the conference are encouraged to join our dedicated Facebook page. You will be able ask us questions and get to know each other before the conference. We will also be posting updates and information relevant to you.

Financial Support

We are happy to announce that we can offer twelve student bursaries, based on financial need and/or academic track record. These will be available to students who have had their abstracts accepted and entail a waiver of the registration fee.

Please send a 300 word statement to in support of your application, including details of what other sources of support you have tried. Please send a signed statement on letterhead from your supervisor or current lecturer as a pdf file in the same email, or ask your referee to send their statement directly to the above email address. Your email should have the subject line ‘Student bursary’. All applications need to reach us by 4 May 2012. Please also send us your application if you have already inquired informally.


Prizes will be awarded for the best paper by a PhD student (thanks to Cambridge Scholars publishers).