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Publications and PresentationsWe have developed a booklet for older people and families who are considering having telecare installed in the homes. Download the booklet here.
EnglandMaggie Mort, Celia Roberts and Blanca Callen, Ageing with telecare: care or coercion in austerity? Roberts, Celia and Mort, Margaret and Milligan, Christine (2012) Calling for Care: ‘Disembodied’ Work, Teleoperators and Older People Living at Home Sociology, 46 (3). pp. 490-506. ISSN 0038-0385 http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0038038511422551 Milligan C, Roberts C, Mort M, (2011), Telecare and older people: who cares where? Social Science & Medicine, 72:3, 347-354.http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0277953610006386
ALTER : European Journal of Disability Research (2009) Special Issue: Ageing, Technology & the Home: researching new care configurations, Vol 3 No 2.http://www.em-consulte.com/revue/alter/3/2 Roberts C & Mort M (2009) Reshaping what counts as care: older people, work and new technologies, ALTER: European Journal of Disability Research, Vol 3, No2, April - June.http://www.em-consulte.com/revue/alter/3/2 Mort M, Roberts C & Milligan C, (2009) Editorial: Ageing, Technology & the Home -a critical project, ALTER: European Journal of Disability Research, Vol 3, No2, April - June. 138-158. http://www.em-consulte.com/revue/alter/3/2
SpainLópez, D. (2011). The securitization of care spaces: lessons from telecare, in Michael Schillmeier and Miquel Domènech (eds) New Technologies and Emerging of Spaces of Care, Ashgate Publishing, 39-57. López, D., Callén, B., Domènech, M. and Tirado, F. (2010). How to become a Guardian Angel. Providing safety in a Home Telecare Service, In Mol A, Moser I & Pols J (eds.) Care in Practice. On Tinkering in Clinics, Homes and Farms, Transcript-verlag: Bielefeld, 71-90 http://www.transcript-verlag.de/ts1447/ts1447.php Tirado, F.; Callén, B. y Cassián, N. (2009) The Question of Movement in Dwelling: Callén, B.; López, D.; Domènech, M. y Tirado, F. (2009) Telecare Research: Cosmopolitizing Methodology, LTER: European Journal of Disability Research, 3(2): 110-122. López, D. and Sánchez-Criado, T. (2009). Dwelling the telecare home: place, location and habitality. Space & Culture, 12(3), 343-358. López, D. and Domènech, M. (2009). Embodying autonomy in a Home Telecare Service. Sociological Review, 56(s2), Pages 181 - 195 In Spanish: López, D. (2009) Asegurar el cuidado: Redes, inmediatez y autonomía en un Servicio de Teleasistencia Domiciliaria. PhD Thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2009 Books:Schillmeier, M. and Domènech, M. (Eds.) (2010) New Technologies and Emerging Spaces of Care. Farnham: Ashgate.
NorwayMoser, I. Perhaps tears should not be counted but wiped away. About quality improvement in dementia care. In: Annemarie Mol, Ingunn Moser and Jeannette Pols (eds) Care in practice: On tinkering in clinics, homes and farms, Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 277-300. http://www.transcript-verlag.de/ts1447/ts1447.php Mol, A., Moser, I. & Pols, J. (2010) Care: Putting practice into theory. In: Mol, A.Moser, I. & Pols, J. (eds) Care in practice. On tinkering in clinics, homes and farms. Bielefeld: Transcript verlag. 7-26. http://www.transcript-verlag.de/ts1447/ts1447.php
Thygesen, H. (2009): Technology and good dementia care. A study of technology and ethics in everyday care practice. Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK), University of Oslo, PhD thesis. In Norwegian: Moser, I og Thygesen, H. 'Teleomsorg: omsorg for en ny tid? Nye aktører, relasjoner, verdier og fordelinger av oppgaver og ansvar'[Telecare: care in a new era? New actors, relations, values and tasks]. I Tjora, A. (red.) Antologi om helsesosiologi, 2011, forthcoming. Thygesen, H. (2011, forthcoming): ‘Kvalitetsarbeid i demensomsorgen: om forskningens rolle.' [Quality work in dementia care: about the role of research] I Bergland, Å og Moser, I (red): Kvalitetsarbeid i helsetjenester for eldre. NetherlandsPols, J & Willems, D. (2011) Innovation and evaluation. Taming and unleashing telecare technologies. Sociology of Health & Illness, 33, 4. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2010.01293.x http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9566.2010.01293.x/pdf Pols, J. (2010) Wonderful webcams. About active gazes and invisible technologies. Science Technology & Human Values, 10.1177/0162243910366134 http://sth.sagepub.com/content/early/2010/08/02/0162243910366134 D. Willems & J. Pols (2010) Goodness! The empirical turn in health care ethics, Medische Antropologie, 161-170. http://tma.socsci.uva.nl/22_1/willems.pdf Pols, J. (2010c) Breathtaking practicalities. A politics of embodied patient positions. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. DOI: 10.1080/15017419.2010.490726 Pols, J. (2010b) Caring devices. About warmth, coldness and care that fits. Medische Antropologie, 22, 1, 143-160. http://tma.socsci.uva.nl/ Pols, J. (2010a) Telecare: what patients care about. In: (Mol, A.Moser, I. & Pols, J. (eds) Care in practice: On tinkering in clinics, homes and farms. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 171-194. http://www.transcript-verlag.de/ts1447/ts1447.php Willems, D. (2010) Varieties of goodness in high tech home care. In: Mol, A., Moser, I. & Pols, J. (eds) (2010) Care in practice. On tinkering in clinics, homes and farms, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 357-276. http://www.transcript-verlag.de/ts1447/ts1447.php Pols, J. (2010) The heart of the matter. About good nursing and telecare. Health Care Analysis. An International Journal of Health Care Philosophy and Policy, Vol 18, Number 4, 374-388 http://www.springerlink.com/content/u4hh5724728872q4/ Pols, J. Moser, I. (2009) Cold technologies versus warm care? On affective and social relations with and through care technologies', ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research, Vol 3, Issue 2, April 2009, pp.159-178. In Dutch: Linsen, L. (2010) Gebrek aan regie belemmert de telezorg. [No direction in telecare] Interview with Jeannette Pols NOW, Ethiek, Onderzoek & Bestuur, 2, 16-21. Pols, J. (2009) Doet-ie het of doet-ie het niet? Ervaringen met nieuwe technologie in verpleeghuis Overspaarne. Denkbeeld jaargang 21, nummer 6 p. 2-5 [Does it work? New technologies in the nursing home.] Pols, J. (2009) Big Brother is helping you. Domotica voor mensen met dementie en hun mantelzorgers. [Smart home technologies for people with dementia and their informal carers]. Pols, J., Schermer, M. & Willems, D. (2008) Telezorgvisie Essay over ontwikkelingen en beloften van telezorg in de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg. Amsterdam: AMC. [Visions on telecare. Essay about the developments and promises of telecare in Dutch health care.] Pols, J. (2007) Is telezorg moreel problematisch? Voor periodiek van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Bio-ethiek. Books:Mol, A., Moser, I. & Pols, J. (eds) (2010) Care in practice. On tinkering in clinics, homes and farms, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. Pols, J, (2011, forthcoming) Care at a distance: About the closeness of technologies. Amsterdam University Press. Oral presentations at conferences workshops and meetingsEngland2012 Feb 9th, ‘Ageing, Technology and Independence’, Centre for Medical Science and Technology Studies, Institute for Public Health, Copenhagen University, Public Lecture. 2010 Mort: 18 November. Presentation at the Workshop on Ethics and Governance of ICT/Security Tech- in the European Parliament. http://ec.europa.eu/research/science-society/index.cfm?fuseaction=public.topic&id=1801 2010 Mort Obtaining European Research Funding in Health & Social Care – the EFORTT project. Health & Social Care Strategy & Policy Network, Edge Hill University, Lancashire. 2010 Mort & Roberts Telecare and Older People, Centre for Ageing Research Seminar, Lancaster University. 1 Nov, 2010 Mort: 18 July. Ethical Frameworks for Telecare technologies, Invited speaker, Centre for Ageing Research, Lancaster University, launch event . 2009 Milligan: ‘Ageing, technology and the new landscape of care,' Invited Speaker, School of Population Health, University of Auckland, New Zealand. 2009 Mort & Milligan: Ambient Assisted Living Forum: Innovative ICT Solutions for Older Persons – A New Understanding – Ethical Frameworks for Telecare Technologies for Older People at Home EFORTT, Vienna, Austria. Poster Presentation 2009 Roberts & Mort: 27 May. Mobilising Care, Centre for Mobilities Research, Lancaster University. 2009 Mort & Roberts: 10 June. Action at a distance and bodies in contact, Warfare and Healthcare Workshop, Lancaster University. 2009 Mort: 7 Sept. Knowledge Sharing for Co-inquiry, Newcastle University, Invited Speaker . 2008 Mort: Feb 19th. Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway presentation to the Global Infrastructures Research Group. Invited speaker 2008 Milligan: Technological innovation and the shifting landscapes of care – Invited Speaker, School of Geography Seminar Series, University of Southampton, UK. 2008 Mort: 20-23 August. Technology and the reshaping of care, European Association of the Study of Science & Technology (EASST) biennial conference, Rotterdam. 2008 Milligan: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference: New Care Technologies for older people: who cares, where? London, UK. 2007 Mort: 8 Dec. FP7 SENIOR Project - Adaptive Software and Artificial Intelligence Meeting, Brussels Invited Speaker
Spain2011 Domènech, M: 28 January.El reto de cuidar a distancia: algunas consideraciones que deberían tenerse en cuenta. Fomento de San Sebastián. San Sebastián. (Spain) 2010 López, D: 2 November. Dwelling, habitality and topology. A discussion concerning the spatialities of telecared homes. School of Geography, Queen Mary University. London. UK. 2010 López, D. y Domènech, M: 24-26 November. Uso de nuevas tecnologías “cuidadosas”. V Jornadas Nacionales del Programa de Personas Mayores (Cruz Roja). “Siglo XXI: Nuevos retos en el trabajo con las personas mayores”. Alicante (Spain). 2010 R. Moreno and M. Domènech:2-4 September “Caring and Ageing: the Mediation of Technology". EASST Annual Meeting Trento/Italy 2010 Maria Tereza Leal, Blanca Callén, Miquel Domènech : 21 June ” Defining Best Practice in Telecare” . Workshop at 18th European Social Services Conference. Barcelona 2010 López, D. y Sánchez-Criado, T: 20 January.Care as Immunity: the Biopolitics of lifestyle monitoring in second and third generation telecare services, Biopolitics of Security ESRC Seminar Series, Keele University (UK). 2009 Domènech, M. y Tirado, F: Following older people around: regimes of engagement and kinepolitics. Warfare and Healthcare Congress (Speech) Lancaster University, UK. Norway2011, Thygesen: 2-3 February. “Teknologi og god omsorg.” [Technology and good care]. Seminar 'Technology and Participation' arranged by the Norwegian Association of Occupational Therapists, Oslo, Norway. Invited speaker. 2010, Thygesen: 23. September. “Teknologi og god omsorg: mot en ny forståelse av etikk i omsorgspraksiser” [Technology and good care: towards a new understanding of ethics in care practices], GEOF seminar, University of Oslo. Invited speaker. 2010, Moser & Thygesen: 2-4 September. “Telecare for the elderly living at home: new care arrangements, practices and relations.” Presentation at the EASST Conference, Trento, Italy. 2010, Thygesen: 22. April. ”Forskning på profesjonell praksis. Hverdagslige omsorgsorgspraksiser som etikk-i-praksis.” [Research of professional practice. Everyday care practices as ethics-in-practice]. Seminar Diakonhjemmet University College. Invited speaker. 2010, Thygesen: 2. February. ”Smarthusteknologi i demensomsorgen. Erfaringer og refleksjoner fra et forskningsprosjekt.” [Smart home technology in dementia care. Experiences and reflextions from a research project]. Seminar for Occupational Therapists and students, Oslo University College. Invited speaker. 2009, Thygesen: 9. December. ”Teknologi og god demensomsorg. Refleksjoner fra et forskningsprosjekt.” [Technology and good dementia care. Reflections from a research project]. Paper at seminar, Diakonhjemmet University College. Invited speaker. 2009, Thygesen: 1-2 December. ”Erfaringer med teknologi i demensomsorgen.” [Experiences with technology in dementia care]. Seminar (demensdagene), Oslo, Norway. Invited speaker. 2009, Thygesen: 19 November. ”Framtidens alderdom og ny teknologi.” [Future elderly care and new technology]. Seminar for health professionals and bureaucrats, county of Sogn og Fjordane. Sogndal, Norway. Invited speaker. 2009, Thygesen: 2. November. ”Teknologi og god omsorg. Mot en ny forståelse av etikk i omsorgspraksiser.” [Technology and good care. Towards a new understanding of ethics in care]. Presentation for work group, the Norwegian Health Directorate. Invited speaker. 2009, Thygesen: 20. April. ”EFORTT-prosjektet.” [The EFORTT project]. A presentation of the EFORTT project, Research Forum, Diakonhjemmet University College, Sandnes, Norway. 2009, Thygesen: 17. April. “Høy alder. Utfordringer for et inkluderende samfunn.” [High age. Challenges for an including society]. Regional work seminar for researchers, bureaucrats and politicians in the county of Rogaland. Sandnes, Norway. Invited speaker. 2009, Thygesen: 25 February. “Smart home technology and dementia care”, paper, telecare project meeting, Centre for Care research, University College of Bergen, invited speaker. 2009, Thygesen: 19 February. “Good dementia care and technology: sustaining persons, respecting autonomy or enhancing surveillance?” PhD trial lecture, Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK), University of Oslo, Norway. 2008, Thygesen: 29 October. “Teknologi og fremtidens eldreomsorg.” [Technology and future elderly care]. Presentation of the EFORTT-project, meeting for next-of-kin, Furuset nursing home. Invited speaker. 2008, Thygesen: 15-16 October. “Bruk av smarthusteknologi i praksis. Erfaringer fra feltstudie.” [Use of smart home technology in practice. Experiences from a field study]. Smart home Conference arranged by Innomed. Tønsberg, Norway. Invited speaker. Netherlands2011 A.J. Pols: 15 Febuari. Lecture: Telecare innovations and the use of practical knowledge. 21st Century Healthcare: Challenges and Paradigms in Biomedical Research Governance, Expertmeeting, University of Edinburgh 2010: 7 Oktober.Lecture for students Clinical Information Studies: Telezorg: empirische ethiek en etnografisch onderzoek, AMC, [Telecare: empirical ethics and ethnographic research] 2010: 2-4 September. EASST conferentie in Trento. Paper: Conceptualising patients. 2.0 and its alternatives. 2010: 9 Juni. Presentation of research ‘De health buddy in de palliatieve zorg in Friesland.', Antoniusziekenhuis in Sneek, [Health Buddy in Palliative care] 2010: 2-4 December.Disability studies conference, Diversity in Quality of Life . Paper: About modern patients, medical knowledge and the place of experience. 2009 Lecture for Master students Medical informatics. Tele-zorg: waarom zouden we? Beloften en ontwikkelingen van telezorg in Nederland, [Why telecare? Promises and developments of telecare in the Netherlands] AMC Amsterdam mei. 2009: 27 Mei. Spitsseminar Zorg op Afstand [seminar Care at a distance] Lecture: Tele-zorg-visie. Beloften en ontwikkelingen van telezorg in Nederland. [Visions on telecare? Promises and developments of telecare in the Netherlands] Spitsseminar NICTIZ [Netherlands expert center for IT in health care] 2008 Pols, J: 20-23 Augustus. Telecare-visions. Promises and developments of telecare in Dutch health care 4S/ EASST joint meeting, Rotterdam, Session organiser: Maggie Mort. 2008 : 2 Oktober.NWO Ethiek, Onderzoek en Bestuur. Lezing: Tele-zorg-visie. Beloften en ontwikkelingen van telezorg in Nederland. [Telecare visions. Promises and developments of telecare in the Netherlands, for the Dutch organisation of scientific research.] All2011: 28, 29 April 2011. International Conference Amsterdam: Does Europe care? Presentation and discussion about the project. http://www.careconference.eu/site/ |
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