5 Continuous Markov chains

5.3 Asymptotic and invariant distributions

Definition 5.3.1.

A homogeneous cts MC has an asymptotic distribution π if


whatever the initial distribution π(0).

Definition 5.3.2.

A homogeneous cts MC has an invariant distribution π if


for all t>0.

Lemma 5.3.3.

An invariant distribution satisfies πQ=0.


Recall that π(t)=π(0)P(t). If π is invariant, then π=πP(t). Differentiating with respect to t gives 0=πP(t) and the result follows by setting t=0. ∎

Lemma 5.3.4.

If X(t) has an asymptotic distribution π then π is also its unique invariant distribution.


Let t in π(t+h)=π(t)P(h) so that π=πP(h). Using this, if π(0)=π we get π(h)=π and this is true for all h>0 so π is an invariant distribution. If π* is also invariant then set π(0)=π* so π(t)=π* for all t>0. Let t to see that π*=π. ∎


This means that if an asymptotic distribution exists, then we can find it by solving for the invariant distribution.

Theorem 5.3.5.

If a continous time Markov process with a finite number of states is irreducible (i.e. for all pairs of states i,j, P(Xt=j|X0=i)>0 for some (any) t>0) then it has an asymptotic distribution.

Example 5.3.6.

The general two state chain has


Provided neither λ nor μ are zero the chain is irreducible (aperiodic always) and the asymptotic distribution is same as the invariant distribution π satisfying:


so that
