5 Continuous Markov chains

5.2 The rate matrix

5.2.1 Modelling a homogeneous cts MC by differentials

Assume that the probabilities vary smoothly with time so that the derivative of P(t) exists at t=0, i.e. that

ddtP(t)at t=0=P(0)=Q.
  • (a)

    Q is a fixed matrix, not a function of t, since it is evaluated at t=0.

  • (b)

    jP(t)ij=1jddtP(t)ij=0jQij=0, i.e. the rows of Q sum to zero.

  • (c)

    Q is called the transition probability rate matrix or infinitesimal generator.

  • (d)

    For small h,

    P(h)-P(0)hQ so P(h)P(0)+Qh=I+Qh.

    In particular P(h)ii1+Qiih so the diagonal elements of Q must all be negative (or zero). We set λi=-Qii0. This is the rate of transition out of state i since P(X(h)i|X(0)=i)λih.

    Further, for ji, P(h)ijQijh so that Qij0, the rate of transition to state j from state i. Note that jiQij=-Qii=λi. The outward and inward rates balance.


We shall see below that for the continuous time Markov process, the rate matrix is as important as the probability transition matrix of the discrete-time Markov chain.

As with the probability transition matrix, for two states ij, Qij>0 if and only if it is possible to move directly from state i to state j. (The rate matrix can be used to construct diagrams of the dynamics of the Markov chain as in 4.2.1.)

However, the entries in the rate matrix are not probabilities, so the off-diagonal elements can take values greater than 1. (This is similar to pdfs of continuous random variables.) The entries of the rate matrix relate to probabilities via


both for small h.

The following two theorems help us to interpret the values of the rate matrix.

Theorem 5.2.1.

Let T be the length of stay in state j (say from time 0) before a transition to another state occurs. Then T has an exponential pdf with mean 1/λj (the inverse of the rate of transition from state j).


Let S(t)=P(T>t), be the survivor function of T. Then for small h




But S(0)=1 giving S(t)=exp(-λjt). The pdf is -ddtS(t) which is λjexp(-λjt). ∎

Definition 5.2.2.

Define J0=0 and set


We call J0J1 the jump times of X(t). The above result tells us that if X(Jn)=j, then Jn+1-JnExp(λj). By the Markov property it can be shown that this is independent of J0,,Jn. The difference Jn+1-Jn is called the holding time at j.

Theorem 5.2.3.

If the continous time Markov process is currently in state i, then it moves to state j next with probability


For small h we have



P(X(t+h)=j|X(t)=i,X(t+h)i) = P(X(t+h)=j,X(t+h)i|X(t)=i)P(X(t+h)i|X(t)=i)

and the result follows because this does not depend on t. ∎

Definition 5.2.4.

Define a discrete stochastic process by Yn=XJn for n=0,1,. The above result says that Yn is a discrete MC with transition matrix given by


We call Yn the jump chain of process X(t).

Exercise 5.2.5.

Consider a 3-state continuous time Markov process. The distributions of the time that the process remains in each state have means 1/2, 1 and 2 respectively. On leaving state 1 the process moves to state 2. On leaving state 2 the process is equally likely to go to either state 1 or state 3, and on leaving state 3 the process is twice as likely to go to state 1 than state 2. Write down the rate matrix noting that its entries need not be fraction and non-negative.
