If a Markov chain is started in state () and reaches state for the first time at time then is called the hitting time for state from state . In mathematical notation
When we obtain , the return time for state .
Here we will be concerned with expected hitting times and expected return times:
For an state Markov chain with transition matrix ,
For a given realisation of the Markov chain, let be the actual hitting time for state from state . Then
where is the further time to reach state if the first transition is from to . By the Markov property, has the same distribution as . Taking expectations and using the Tower Law
A Markov chain has transition probability matrix
What is the expected return time for state and the expected hitting time for state from each of states and ? What is the expected time to hit state if the Markov chain has initial distribution ?
From Theorem 4.8.2
(4.1) | |||||
(4.2) | |||||
(4.3) |
Substituting (4.3) into (4.2) gives
Substitution back in to (4.3) gives ; then substitution into the first equation provides .
NB: More generally (4.2) and (4.3) would be two simultaneous equations. The invariant distribution for is , so in this particular example: .
The expected hitting time for state from starting distribution is
A Markov chain has transition kernel
What can be said about the return time for state and the hitting time for state from each of states and ?
It is impossible to get to state from either state or state . From state , either the return time is or the chain will never return to state . One way to view of this is that the hitting/return times are infinite. Also the classes are and .
The invariant distribution for is , so in this particular example: .
Recall that for a finite irreducible Markov chain all states are persistent and it can be shown that the expected hitting times are finite.
If a Markov chain has invariant distribution then the expected return time to a persistent state is .
Compare with a geometric random variable for which the expected value of the first occurrence is the reciprocal of the success probability.
In an irreducible MC, a stationary distribution exists if and only if all states are persistent with finite and in this case the invariant distribution is given by . In particular in an irreducible MC with finite state space, the invariant distribution always exists whereas the asysmptotic distribution will exist if it is additionally aperiodic.
Heuristic of proof: (not a full rigorous proof) Let the Markov chain start in its stationary distribution and imagine letting the chain run for a very long time .
Let be the time until the chain first hits state and be the time from the last time the chain hits state until .
Suppose that the chain hits state times and let be the return times to state .
Now (see the picture) ; so taking expectations:
(4.4) |
Because the chain is in its stationary distribution
here is the indicator function, i.e. if is true,
and otherwise.
If we replace by
(this needs justification
which is why this is not a formal proof) then by (4.4)
Dividing through by gives
By the Remark before this Theorem, is bounded (since ), so letting gives the required result. ∎