Bayesians use the predictive for model checking. In this case there are four points would be highly unlikely from the model we ave suggested.
The posterior p-value of a point is the probability of a future observation being at least as extreme as that observed in the data.
In our case the Poisson likelihood did not have enough variability to describe four of the points.
A cancer laboratory is estimating the rate of tumorigenesis in mice. They have tumor count data for 5 mice in a particular strain. The question of interest is whether the Poisson model is appropriate for these counts.
Y | 1 | 2 | 0 | 4 | 8 |
Assuming a Poisson sampling distribution and the following vague prior distribution: .
Simulate from the posterior for .
Simulate from the predictive and obtain a 95%CI.
Are the points adequately described by a Poisson?
# Use Bayes theorem to find conjugate distribution of theta. al=1;be=.1 y=c(1,2,0,4,8) alp=al+sum(y) bep=be+length(y) #Simulate from theta then the predictive. theta=rgamma(10000,alp,bep) ys=rpois(10000,theta) #Find a HPD library(TeachingDemos) CI=emp.hpd(ys, conf=0.95) CI lower upper 0 7 barplot(table(ys),col=3,main="The predictive", ylab="probability",col=c(rep(2,8),rep(0,5)))
is a function of .
is the probability of prior to data collection.
of and , factorized as .
or evidence can be obtained by integrating out from the joint distribution. .
is the probability of the unknown upon consideration of the current data.
is the probability of a future observation, , before the data is looked at.
is the probability of a future observation, , given the data in hand, .