3 Multi-Parameter likelihoods

The likelihood function and maximum likelihood estimator

The definitions of likelihood given in Chapter 2 are unchanged in the multi-parameter case; we simply need to replace θ by θ. In general, for observed data X, having probability (density or mass) function f(x|θ), the likelihood is defined simply as


where x is the observed value of X. In particular, for independent data x1,x2,,xn such that xi is the realisation of Xi having probability (density or mass) function fi(xi|θ), we define the likelihood


Specializing further to the case where each of the Xi has the same distribution f(x|θ), the likelihood becomes


As in the one-parameter case, it is often more convenient to work with the log-likelihood, which, in the latter case, becomes


The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), θ^ of θ, is the value that maximises L(θ) (or (θ)). Notice, though, that this now requires maximization in d-dimensional space, where d is the length of the parameter vector.

Calculating the MLE

For multiparameter models, we still maximise the log-likelihood l(θ) with respect to the parameters, θ, to find the MLE, θ^. Assuming the log-likelihood function is differentiable at the MLE then the maximum will be a turning point, and we find it by solving the set of simultaneous equations

l(θ^)θi=0 for i=1,,d.

Note: For some models (particularly those where the support of the density function depends on one or more of the parameters) the log-likelihood function is not differentiable at the MLE (recall the Uniform[0,θ] example from MATH235). In these cases plotting the log-likelihood surface can help. Naturally, R is useful here.