3 Multi-Parameter likelihoods

Model examples

Example 3.1:  Simple Normal Data.

Let X1,,Xn be IID random variables with common distribution N(μ,σ2).

In this case the parameter vector θ=(μ,σ) represents the unknown mean and standard deviation of the Normal population.

Example 3.2:  Simple Linear Regression.

Let X1,,Xn be independent random variables such that the distribution of Xi is given by XiN(α+βi,σ2) for i=1,,n.

In this case θ=(α,β,σ). This is a generalisation of the previous example in which each of the Xi has a normal distribution with the same variance but a different mean.

In fact, this is exactly the simple linear regression model discussed in MATH235. Though each of the Xi has a different distribution, likelihood techniques are still applicable in such circumstances; we will find that this is also the case in the multi-parameter situation.

Example 3.3:  Function of Normal Parameters.

As in the simple normal case, let X1,,Xn be IID random variables with common distribution N(μ,σ2).

It is often the case that inference is not required for the parameter vector θ=(μ,σ) itself, but for some function of that parameter vector.

To give a concrete example: suppose the Xi’s correspond to cable lengths which are unsuitable if they exceed a specified length u.

There are two interesting possibilities:

  • If u is fixed, then it will be the probability a cable is unsuitable that is required. This is given by

    p = P{Xiu}
    = P{Zu-μσ}

    where ZN(0,1), which is equal to, say,


    Thus, the problem amounts to making inference on a function of θ.

  • Alternatively, we may be required to choose u in such a way that the probability of a cable being unsuitable is equal to a specified value of p. In this case, inference is required for u, where


Example 3.4:  ‘Exponential’ Regression.

Let X1,,Xn be independent random variables such that




for i=1,,n, where the wi,j are covariates (explanatory variables).

In this case θ=(α,β1,,βd). Moreover, suppose that the data relate to a medical trial in which Xi represents the age at death of a person i with attributes wi,1,,wi,d corresponding, for example, to smoking status, sex, weight, etc. Thus,

wi,1={0 if individual i smokes1 if individual i does not smoke

and so on. Hence, βj gives a measure of the extent of attribute wj on lifetime.

In medical trials it will often be the case that the main interest is not in the complete vector θ, but perhaps just a single component, β1 say, corresponding to the effect of smoking status on lifetime. The issue then is how best to make inference on the single parameter β1 in the presence of the other nuisance parameters. We will deal with this issue later in the course.