MATH319 Exercises

11 Projects for MATH319 Linear Systems: Instructions

Deadline is 23:55 on Sunday 3th March 2019.

Submit one pdf file to the MATH319 Moodle website.

Maximum length 8 sides of A4.

See the module learning outcomes for relevant educational aims.

Topics. Each student should select one topic to write about. The list P1-P24 below are recommended; students who are unsure of what to write about, or wish to select another topic, should discuss with the lecturer. All of the topics relate to the subject matter of MATH319, although they variously emphasize linear algebra, analysis and require varying amounts of computing skill to carry out. Some projects have particular applications, as indicated after the titles. In some cases, the outlines are the starting point for the project, and it is expected that the student will go beyond the bare outline. A report which simply follows the outline or reproduces results and examples from the given sources is unlikely to gain a high mark. The sources listed are intended to help the student start, but please read them with care. The notation and terminology may be different from that of the lectures, in which case explain the notation in the report.

Report. The report should be structured so as have an introduction which describes the context of the problem. The main body of the report should describe the solution to the problem under consideration, and the conclusions. There should be a bibliography, listing the sources used.

In general, the report should be self-contained, although students are encouraged to refer to the lecture notes and course materials of MATH319 and other modules such as MATH220 Linear Algebra. It is also a good idea to include specific examples, which may be taken from text books, or devised by the student; please give appropriate references to any sources that you use. Explain all the notation. In several project topics, computer algebra or graphs are required. When presenting graphs, give enough information that the marker can reproduce the graphs; for instance, state the values of all parameters used in the plots. Make graphs large enough to be clear. You should take care to explain the significance of particular features of graphs and elements of formulas that you present. Likewise, code or pseudo code for calculations can be helpful.

Presentation. In the module, there are various descriptions of linear systems in terms of block diagrams, (A,B,C,D), differential equations, transfer functions, Nyquist plots etc. Think: what is the best way to present any given idea? Explain what information each diagram conveys. You may wish to type-set calculations, using the methods of MATH240, and produce plots via computer. The final report should fit together as a cohesive unit, so fit the components together.

Submission. The report should be submitted electronically as a single pdf to the MOODLE portal for MATH319. If you have several elements in the report, such as diagrams, graphs, calculations etc, then produce these in pdf format and then combine them into a single pdf by using AcroreadPro or otherwise. The submitted pdf should have a title such as JamesClerkMaxwellMATH319P13.pdf including your name. Including all graphs, calculations, computer codes, the bibliography and so on, the report should be less than 8 sides of A4. A report which consists mainly of text can be much shorter, say 5 pages of A4.

Marking. The marker will award a letter grade A-F according to the criteria stated in the Mathematics and Statistics Part II handbook, and provide the student with a paragraph of feedback supporting the grade allocation, within four weeks.

 MATH319 Project topics with outlines

Chapter 1: Linear systems and their description: P9, P11

Chapter 2: Solving Linear Systems by Matrix Theory: P1, P4, P7, P19, P20, P24

Chapter 3: Laplace transforms: P8, P10, P18. P23

Chapter 4: Stability of MIMO in terms of transfer functions: P3, P5, P6, P14, P17, P22

Chapter 5: Feedback Control: P2, P12, P13, P15, P16, P21

Similar project titles P1-P20 were available in 2017/8, and P21-24 have been added. The number of students who offered projects on each topic is given beside the title, so that 7/51 means 7 projects from the class of 51 students. P1 Inverse Systems 3/51

Source: J.P. Hespana, Linear Systems Theory, (Princeton and Oxford, 2009), lecture 19.

A radio transmitter has an input u and an output y. The signal y is broadcast, and received by a listener, who wishes to recover u.

(i) Consider a SISO


Solve this system for u in terms of y and x, and derive a linear system for the receiver with input y, state x and output u.

(ii) The simplest MIMO system is


Show that one can solve for u in terms of y if and only if D is an invertible square matrix.

(iii) Suppose that the transmitter is modeled by a MIMO


with transfer function


Solve the MIMO for u in terms of x and y. Show that the receiver is modelled by a linear system


with transfer function


(iv) Write down R(s) in terms of A,B,C,D and prove that


P2 PID Controllers 2/51

Source: R.C. Dorf and R.H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems (Pearson) 12th Edition, section 7.6.

For a SISO with y=KGu-Ky, a particularly useful controller is


where a,b,c are complex constants; we refer to these as:

(P) the proportional amplifier b ;

(I) the integrator c/s;

(D) the differentiator as.

The advantages of K are that such a K is easy to manufacture, and for a suitable choice of a,b,c, the controller K stabilizes


(i) Suppose that G(s)=1/(αs2+βs+γ) for some real α,β,γ. Show that


where p(s) and q(s) are cubic polynomials.

(ii) Obtain conditions on q(s) for 1/(1+KG) to be a stable rational function.

(iii) Use Nyquist plots to show that various systems are stabilized by the PID controller.

(iv) Compute the transfer function of the system with differential equation


(v) Find PID controllers for


The characteristic equation is


We can vary one parameter of a,b,c at a time, and the roots move along curves in the complex plane.

P3 Root locus method 0/51

Sources: A. Tewari, Modern Control Design John Wiley, Chapter 7;

R.C. Dorf and R.H. Bishop Modern Control Systems Pearson 12th Edition.

Let p(s) and q(s) be coprime complex polynomials, where degree of p(s) is less than or equal to the degree of q(s), and consider a transfer function G(s)=p(s)/q(s). Then we consider a simple feedback system with design parameter κ and transfer function


the characteristic equation is


The root locus method involves plotting the roots of the characteristic equation as the design parameter κ varies. More specifically, we, suppose that p(s) and q(s) have real coefficients, and wish to determine κ such that either:

(a) all the roots are real;

(b) the roots cross the imaginary axis;

(c) all the roots are in the open left half plane;

(d) breakaway κ so that the roots become complex.

(i) Determine κ such that (a), (b) and (c) hold for q(s)=s2-s+1 and p(s)=s by elementary algebra.

(ii) Obtain plots of the root locus for more complicated choices of q(s) and p(s).

(iii) Let Q(s)=q(s)+κp(s). Show that Q(s) has a double root at s0 if and only if Q(s0)=Q(s0)=0. Show that p(s0)0. Show also that (q/p)(s0)=0.

(iv) Deduce that breakaway points are given by the roots s0 of (q/p)(s)=0, and


(v) Look for κ such that the roots are imaginary.

P4 Popov–Belevitch–Hautus test for controllability 0/51

Source: J.P. Hespanha Linear System Theory, Princeton University Press; sections 12.3 and 14.4

Let A be a n×n complex matrix, with transpose AT, and let B be a n×1 column matrix; let


Prove that the following conditions are equivalent:

(i) V=𝐂n×1;

(ii) the kernel of BT contains no eigenvectors of AT;

(iii) the rank of the (n×(n+1)) matrix [A-λIB] equals n for all λ𝐂;

(iv) the rank of Q equals n, where Q=[(AABA2BAn-1B)].

(v) Make specific choices of A and B, and use Q to check the other conditions.

P5 The Nyquist Stability Criterion 6/51

Source: G.F. Franklin, J. D. Powell and A. Emami-Naeini, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems Sixth Edition, (Pearson, 2010), Section 6.3.

The basic result is the Nyquist Stability Criterion, as discussed in the notes.

(i) Discuss the Nyquist Criterion with relation to the Argument Principle of complex analysis.

(ii) The practical aspect project involves producing several Nyquist plots that exhibit various effects for stable and unstable systems.

(iii) Discuss examples such as


(iv) Discuss examples such as


where G(s) has a pole on the imaginary axis; you will need to modify the contours to avoid this pole.

P6 The theory of Nyquist’s criterion 0/51

Source: I. Stewart and D.O. Tall, Complex Analysis: the hitchhiker’s guide to the plane, (Cambridge University Press, 1983), page 231

J.C.. Doyle, B.A. Francis and A.R. Tannenbaum, Feedback Control Theory

Let T(s)=q(s)/p(s) where p(s) and q(s) are complex polynomials with degree of q(s) less than the degree of p(s), and suppose that p(s) has all its zeros in LHP. Suppose that the Nyquist contour {T(ıω):-ω} does not pass through or wind around -1. We aim to prove that T/(1+T) is a strictly proper and stable rational function.

(i) Show that there exists M1 such that


and that there exists M2>0 such that


for all sRHP.

(ii) Let Sr be the semicircle in the right half plane Sr:z=reıθ for -π/2θπ/2. Deduce from (i) that


as r.

(iii) Let γr=Sr[ır,-ır] be the contour made of joining the ends of the semicircle Sr with part of the imaginary axis; then let Γr=T(z) for z on γr be the image of γr under T. Show that for all sufficiently large r, the contour Γr does not pass through or wind around -1.

(iv) Deduce that


for all sufficiently large r.

(v) Deduce that 1+T(s) has all its zeros in LHP, and hence that T/(1+T) is a strictly proper and stable rational function.

P7 Oscillations of particles on a string 0/51 Applications to Physics

Sources: T.W.B Kibble and F.H. Berkshire, Classical Mechanics (Fourth Edition) (Longman, 1996) sections 11.5, 11.6.

G.R. Fowles, Analytical Mechanics (Third Edition) Holt-Saunders, section 10.7

A collection of N particles is placed in a straight line, and all particles are connected to their nearest neighbours by elastic bands, so that the first and last particles are connected by elastic bands to rigid supports at either end. The displacement of the particle j from rest is given by xj, where the xj satisfy the systems of differential equations x0=0, xN+1=0 and

d2xkdt2=xk+1+xk-1-2xk  (k=1,,N).

(i) Introduce a (N×N) matrix A to describe this as d2Xdt2=AX, where X is the (N×1) column vector


(ii) Let p{1,,N} and consider

xk=sinkpπN+1cosωpt  (k=0,,N+1).

Show that this gives a solution of the differential equation when

ωp=2sinπp2(N+1)  (p=1,,N).

(iii) Deduce the values of the eigenvalues of A.

(iv) Take N=8, and introduce a (8×8) matrix A to describe this as d2Xdt2=AX, and find numerically the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of A.

(v) Compare the numerical eigenvalues of A from (iv) with

-4sin2πp18  (p=1,,9).

P8 Bessel Filters 0/51

Source: A. Ambardar Analog and Digital Signal Processing, PWS Foundations in Engineering Series, (ITP, 1995) Section 10.8.1

The Bessel polynomials are defined by the recurrence relation:


where (n=2,3,) The corresponding Bessel controller is


(i) Write a recurrence formula in MATLAB or R to generate the Bessel polynomials, and compute several of them.

(ii) Obtain the polar decomposition for s=iω of the Bessel controller Hn, as in


and plot the gain Γn(ω) and phase ϕn(ω) for the first few n.

(iii) Define the spherical Bessel functions jn and yn by


and the formula

jn(x)=(-x)n(1xddx)nj0(x)  (n=1,2,),
yn(x)=-(-x)n(1xddx)ny0(x)  (n=1,2,).

Compute the first few of these.

(iv) Show that


for the first couple of n.

P9 Fraunhofer diffraction of light 1/51 Applications to Physical Optics.

Source: H.J. Pain, The Physics of Vibrations and Waves, Fourth Edition, (Wiley, 1993) page 367-372

We consider N equal monochromatic sources of light arranged in a straight line and with each source separated from its neighbour by distance f. Let λ be the wavelength of the light. When we view the array from a distance much greater than Nf, and at a small angle θ to the line perpendicular to the array, the observed intensity I is


where β(θ)=(πf/λ)sinθ and I0 is a constant.

(i) Show that


for 0<β<π/2, and discuss the largest value that I can take.

(ii) Find β such that (a) the numerator of I is zero, (b) the denominator of I is zero, and (c) describe I as β approaches case (b).

(iii) Plot I for varying θ and a few small values of N.

(iv) Plot the graphs of




for a few small N.

(v) Discuss the number of maxima and minima that appear in your graphs in (iv), and give some mathematical justification.

P10 Initial value theorem for Laplace transforms 0/51

Source: I.N. Sneddon, The Use of Integral Transforms (McGraw-Hill, 1972), pages 185-7

Let f be continuous on [0,) and suppose that f satisfies (E). Then the Laplace transform f^ satisfies


(i) Show that


(ii) Given ε>0, and M,α>0 such that

|f(t)|Meαt  (t0),

consider s>2α and R>0. Show that

|R(f(x/s)-f(0))e-xdx|4Me-R/2  (s>2α).

(iii) Now choose and fix R so large that 4Me-R/2<ε. Show that there exists s0 such that


for all s>s0.

(iv) Deduce that for all s>max{s0,2α},


(v) Discuss examples of this result, for instance with f rational or


(vi) Discuss the validity of the formula


P11 Invertibility of matrices with stable rational entries 1/51

Source: J.C. Doyle, B.A. Francis and A.R. Tannenbaum, Feedback Control Theory, Chapter 3.

Let 𝐂[s] be the space of complex polynomials and 𝐂(s) the space of complex rational functions. Let A(s)Mn(𝐂[s]) be a n×n matrix with entries that are polynomials in s.

(i) Show that A(s) has an inverse in Mn(𝐂(s)), if only if detA(s)0.

(ii) Show that A(s) has an inverse in Mn(𝐂[s]), if and only if detA(s) is a non zero constant polynomial.

(iii) Show that f𝒮 has an inverse in 𝒮, if and only if f=g/h where g and h are non-zero stable polynomials that have equal degree.

(iv) Let AMn(𝒮). Show that A has an inverse in Mn(𝒮), if and only if detA=g/h where g and h are non-zero stable polynomials that have equal degree.

(v) Discuss examples of this result.

P12 Stabilizing by rational controllers 1/51

Source: J.C. Doyle, B.A. Francis and A.R. Tannenbaum, Feedback Control Theory, Chapter 5.

Consider a SISO with plant described by a rational transfer function G. We wish to find a rational controller K such that


are all stable, so the system is internally stable.

(i) Consider


Express G=N/M as a quotient of coprime stable rational functions .

(ii) Hence find a controller K such that the system is internally stable.

(iii) By considering XM+YN=1 and


describe all of the controllers that internally stablize the system.

(iv) In particular, find one such K with K()=0.

P13 Circles of constant gain 0/51

Source: N.S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering second edition, (Benjamin 1995), section 10.9.

Consider a SISO system with transfer function R which is fed back through a simple feedback loop to give transfer function


Let T=u+iv and R=p+iq, where u,v,p and q are all real.

(i) Suppose that R describes a circle or straight line in the complex plane. Show that T also describes a circle or straight line in the complex plane. (See MATH215 notes).

(ii) Suppose that M>0 is fixed, and T describes the circle M=|u+iv|. Show that p+iq lies on the circle with centre -M2/(M2-1) and radius M/(M2-1); these are called M-circles.

(iii) Suppose that ϕ=argT is the phase of T, and that tanϕ=N is constant. Show that p+iq lies on the circle with centre -1/2+i/(2N) and radius N2+1/(2N). These are called N circles.

(iv) Plot several M circles and N circles in the plane, and discuss their significance.

P14 May–Wigner Law 0/51 Applications to Biology

Source: J.P. Hespana, Linear Systems Theory, (Princeton and Oxford, 2009), page 78.

(i) Consider the continuous time system


where A is a n×n real matrix. Suppose that there exist μ>0 and positive definite matrices P and Q such that


(i) Show that all the eigenvalues of μI+A have negative real parts.

(ii) Deduce that all the eigenvalues of A have real parts less than -μ. Hespana calls this μ the stability margin.

(iii) Let J be a (n×n) matrix and suppose that the eigenvalues of J lie inside the circle with centre 0 and radius σn, where σ>0 is constant. Let ν be real and consider the linear system


Show that the system is stable if σn<ν.

(iv) Discuss the implications of (iii) for various examples of J.

P15 Wind turbine speed control 11/51

Source: R.C. Dorf and R.H. Bishop Modern Control Systems, Twelfth Edition, (Pearson, 2011), Example 7.13.

A wind turbine consists of an electrical generator, a rotor with blades whose pitch can be adjusted to suit the wind conditions and gears to increase the speed of rotation of the turbine to suit the electrical generator. The transfer function of the turbine is


(i) Find the poles of G, and discuss stability.

(ii) Consider the simplified transfer function


find the poles of T, and discuss stability.

(iii) Let K(s)=b+c/s be a PI controller; find


and determine the poles.

(iv) Illustrate your results by using suitable plots.

P16 PID control of wind turbines for clean energy 2/51

Source: R.C. Dorf and R.H. Bishop Modern Control Systems, Twelfth Edition, (Pearson, 2011), Example 9.10.

A wind turbine consists of an electrical generator, a rotor with blades whose pitch can be adjusted to suit the wind conditions and gears to increase the speed of rotation of the turbine to suit the electrical generator. The transfer function of the turbine is


where the constants are ω,τ,ζ>0 and K is real, possibly negative.

(i) Find the poles of G, and discuss stability for various values of the parameters.

(ii) We introduce a PID controller


for some a,b,c. Obtain the transfer function


and the related transfer functions


(iii) Discuss stability of these transfer functions, using algebraic criteria.

(iv) Illustrate the results using suitable diagrams such as Nyquist plots.

P17 EVAD for cardiological illness 6/51 Applications to Medicine

Source: R.C. Dorf and R.H. Bishop Modern Control Systems, Twelfth Edition, (Pearson, 2011), AP9.11.

Medical patients with cardiological illness can have their heartbeats regulated by a electric ventricular assist device, which has input electrical power and output blood flow. The pump has transfer function G(s)=e-sT, where T>0 is a constant, and the controller has the form


where a,b>0.

(i) Find the transfer functions


for instance when T=1, a=5, b=10.

(ii) Find the conditions that give a pole for the transfer function.

(iii) Determine whether there are any poles for s real, and consider whether there are poles for s>0. You may find it helpful to consider the equation


(iv) Produce Nyquist style plots for the above transfer functions, which may look different from the usual ones. Discuss what they tell us.

P18 Square waves 3/51

Source: B.P. Conrad, Differential Equations: A Systems Approach, (Prentice-Hall, 2003), pages 306-9

We consider the system


where k>0 is constant and u(t) is a bounded input.

(i) Compute the Laplace transform, and hence the transfer function.

(ii) Solve the system for u(t)=sin(πt), paying particular attention to the solution for the value of k such that resonance occurs.

(iii) Consider the input

u(t)={1 for t[0,1][2,3][4,5]-1, for t(1,2)(3,4)(5,6);

which is a square wave, and its graph looks like the top of the curtain wall of Lancaster castle. Compute the Laplace transform of u.

(iv) Solve the system when the input is the square wave, and discuss the solution for various k.

P19 Phase portraits 5/51

Source: B.P. Conrad, Differential Equations: A Systems Approach, (Prentice-Hall, 2003), section 8.1

We consider the system


where X is a real column and A is the real matrix


The eigenvalues of A are sometimes called characteristic values.

When one plots (x(t),y(t)) is the usual (x,y) plane, the resulting graph is called a phase portrait. The shape depends upon the matrix A, and is traditionally described as follows:

(a) detA=0 gives a degenerate case;

(b) detA<0 gives a saddle;

(c) detA>0 and trace(A)>0 gives a stable node;

(d) detA>0 and trace(A)<0 gives an unstable node;

(i) State what each of (a), (b), (c) and (d) mean in terms of the eigenvalues of A.

(ii) By considering eigenvectors of A, consider the vector solution X and describe the solution for large t.

(iii) Look at the phase portraits in the source, and compare the given matrices with the phase portraits.

P20 The Cayley–Hamilton Theorem 6/20

Source: H. Eves, Elementary Matrix Theory, (Dover, 1980), pages 199-203.

This exercise shows that every square matrix satisfies its characteristic equation. Let A be a complex (n×n) matrix and let adj(A) be the adjugate of A.

(i) Expand the adjugate of sI-A as


where Bj are (n×n) complex matrices; expand the characteristic polynomial χA(s) as


(ii) Use the identity


to compare the coefficients of sn,sn-1,,s,1.

(iii) Deduce that


(iv) Discuss applications of this result to control theory.

P21 Stabilizing the damped harmonic oscillator (new topic)

Source: G. Birkhoff and S. MacLane, A Survey of Modern Algebra, Third Edition,

(MacMillan), page 108.

We consider the damped harmonic oscillator


with β>0 and real γ.

Let a,b,c,A,B,C be real constants. Prove the following

(i) s+a is stable, if and only if a>0;

(ii) s2+bs+c is stable, if and only if b,c>0;

(iii) s3+As2+Bs+C is stable, if and only if A,B,C>0 and AB-C>0. (Start by showing that the cubic has a real root, and then factorize the cubic into a quadratic times a linear term.)

(iv) For real β,γ,a,b,c, let


Find a cubic Δ(s) and a matrix of polynomials Ω(s) such that


(v) Deduce that for every such G(s), there exists a controller K(s)=b+c/s such that the simple feedback loop is internally stable.

(vi) By considering the transfer function, show that the damped harmonic oscillator can be internally stabilized with a PI controller.

P22 Nyquist by change of variable (new topic)

Source: I. Stewart and D.O. Tall, Complex Analysis: the hitchhiker’s guide to the plane, (Cambridge University Press, 1983), page 231

(i) Let


Show that |z|<1 if and only if s>0. Deduce that sz takes the right half plane onto the unit disc D(0,1)={z:|z|<1}.

(ii) Let s=iω and z=eiθ where θ and ω are real. Show that z1 as ω±. Solve for ω in terms of tan(θ/2).

(iii) Let F(s) be a rational function and write

Y(z)=F(s)  z=s-1s+1.

Show that F(s) is proper, if and only if Y(z) does not have a pole at z=1. Show that F(s) is stable if and only if Y(z) has all its poles in {z:|z|>1}.

(iv) Let C(0,1) be the unit circle {z:|z|=1}, described once in the positive sense. Suppose that Y(z) has no poles on {z:|z|=1}. Show that


where Z is the number of zeros of Y(z) in D(0,1), and P is the number of poles of Y(z) in D(0,1), counted according to multiplicity.

(v) Suppose that Y(z) has all its poles in {z:|z|>1}, and Y(z)+10 for z on {z:|z|=1}. Find the value of


(vi) Suppose that F(s) is stable, and F(s)+10 for all s such that s=0. Deduce from (v) the value of


(vii) Hence deduce Nyquist’s criterion.

P23 Transfer functions on the disc (new topic) Applications to digital music

Source: D.J. Benson, Music: A Mathematical Offering, (Cambridge University Press, 2007) pages 257-261 and 270-3.

(i) Let


Show that |z|<1 if and only if s>0. Deduce that sz takes the right half-plane onto the unit disc D(0,1)={z:|z|<1}.

(ii) Let s=iω and z=eiθ where θ and ω are real. Show that z1 as ω±. Solve for ω in terms of tan(θ/2).

(iii) Let F(s) be a rational function and write

Y(z)=F(s)  z=s-1s+1.

Show that F(s) is proper, if and only if Y(z) does not have a pole at z=1. Show that F(s) is stable if and only if Y(z) has all its poles in {z:|z|>1}. If Y(z) has all its poles in {z:|z|>1}, then we say that Y(z) is stable.

(iv) Let L be a positive integer, and let aj,μ𝐂 where |μ|<1. Find the poles of


Find the poles of Y(z).

(v) Let (A,B,C,D) be a SISO system. Show that


is stable if all the eigenvalues of A are in D(0,1). Note that the formula for Y(z) has a different shape from the transfer functions considered in lectures.

P24 Discrete Fourier transform (new topic) Applications to digital music

Source: D.W. Kammler, A first course in Fourier Analysis (Prentice Hall, 2000) pages 239-246.

Source: D.J. Benson, Music: A Mathematical Offering, (Cambridge University Press, 2007) pages 257-264

Let L be a positive integer and ω=e2πi/L.

(i) Show that


gives a cyclic group of order L under multiplication.

(ii) Let k be an integer. Show that

j=0L-1ωjk={L if L divides k0, else 

(iii) Let


Show that


Deduce that any polynomial of degree less than L is determined by its values on G.

(iv) Show that the matrix


satisfies UU=I.

(v) The matrix U also satisfies U4=I, and other identities discussed in the source.