MATH319 Exercises

10 Workshop Exercise 5

W5.1 Express the rational function


as the quotient G=P/Q of stable rational functions P and Q that are coprime in 𝒮.

W5.2 Let p(s) be a complex polynomial with leading term sn, and let r(s)=p(s)-(s+1)n.

(i) Show that


is stable.

(ii) Show that p(s)=0 has no roots in the right half plane if and only if the Nyquist contour of R(s) does not pass through or wind around -1. .

(ii) Hence show that


has roots in the right half plane.

W5.3 Consider a MIMO system (A,B,I,0). By adding a feedback controller K, we replace A by A-BK. Let T(s) be the transfer function of (A,B,K,I). Show that


Note the result of W3.9, which is helpful here.

W5.4 Consider the matrices


(i) Show that P is positive definite.

(ii) Give numerical approximations to the eigenvalues of A.

(iii) Obtain numerically a positive definite K such that


W5.5 Suppose that X,Y,M,N𝒮 satisfy XM+YN=1, and let


Solve this for Q.

W5.6 An amplifier and its controller have transfer functions


where α,β,b,c are real constants with α,β0.

(i) State conditions under which G(s) is stable.

(ii) Compute the entries of


and state conditions for all the entries to be stable.

(iii) Deduce that for all G there exists K such that Ψ is stable.