MATH319 Slides

135 The stable rational functions form a differential ring


(i) The set 𝒮 of stable rational functions forms a commutative ring with 1 in which one can differentiate with respect to s, so 𝒮 satisfies (R),(C),(ID2),(Diff).

(ii) However, 𝒮 is not a field.

Proof. (i) (R) Multiplication and addition: Given f1(s)=g1(s)/h1(s) and f2(s)=g2(s)/h2(s) with degree(g1(s))degree(h1(s)) and degree(g2(s))degree(h2(s)) we have


where degree(g1(s)g2(s))degree(h1(s)h2(s)). Also, the zeros of h1(s)h2(s) are either zeros of h1(s) or zeros of h2(s), hence are in LHP. By partial fractions, we can write f𝒮 as
