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1.6 The vector product in 3

Definition 1.21

Let u=(u1u2u3), v=(v1v2v3) be vectors in R3. The vector (or cross) product of u and v:

Remark 1.22

i) If you know about determinants of 2×2 matrices, then one way to remember the entries of u×v is to write u and v as the first two rows of a 3×3 matrix:


Now u×v can be entered in the third row of the matrix: to find the first entry in u×v, simply cover up the first column and the third row, and calculate the determinant of the matrix you then obtain:


To find the second entry in u×v, do the same thing with the second column and the third row covered up, but then multiply by (-1). So the second entry is:


Finally, the third entry can be found by covering up the third row and column, and calculating the determinant of the matrix you thus obtain.

ii) Be careful of signs! The y-coordinate of u×v is u3v1-u1v3, not u1v3-u3v1.

Theorem 1.23

The vector product has the following properties:

(i) u×v=-v×u for any u,vR3,

(ii) u×(v+w)=u×v+u×w for any u,v,wR3,

(iii) u×(λv)=λ(u×v)=(λu)×v for any u,vR3 and λR,

(iv) (u×v)u=(u×v)v=0 for any u,vR3,

(v) u×v=0 if u=λv for some λR.


(i) follows immediately from inspecting the coordinate values of 𝐮×𝐯 and 𝐯×𝐮. (ii) and (iii) can be proved in a similar way to Thm. 1.9. For (iv), it will suffice to show that (𝐮×𝐯)𝐮=0, since then (𝐮×𝐯)𝐯=0 can be shown by swapping 𝐮 and 𝐯. Now we calculate directly: (𝐮×𝐯)𝐮=(u2v3-u3v2)u1+(u3v1-u1v3)u2+(u1v2-u2v1)u3=u1u2v3-u1u3v2+u2u3v1-u1u2v3+u1u3v2-u2u3v1=0. For (v), if 𝐮=λ𝐯 then 𝐮×𝐯=λ(𝐮×𝐮), so it will suffice to show that 𝐮×𝐮=. But

𝐮×𝐮=(u2u3-u3u2u3u1-u1u3u1u2-u2u1)=(0  0  0)

so the proof is complete.

Thus we have the following important principle. We say that two vectors 𝐮, 𝐯 are collinear (i.e. on the same line) if either 𝐮=λ𝐯 or 𝐯=λ𝐮 for some λ.

Principle 1.24

If u and v are not collinear vectors, then u×v is a non-zero vector which is orthogonal to both u and v.

Theorem 1.25

Let θ be the angle between u and v. Then |u×v|=|u||v||sinθ|.


Since |𝐮×𝐯|0, it will suffice to show that |𝐮×𝐯|2=|𝐮|2|𝐯|2sin2θ. But 𝐮𝐯=|𝐮||𝐯|cosθ, so we have to show that:


We prove this statement by directly calculating the left-hand side. Since 𝐮×𝐯=(u2v3-u3v2u3v1-u1v3u1v2-u2v1) we have:


On the other hand, 𝐮𝐯=u1v1+u2v2+u3v3 so


Adding these two, we obtain:


as required.

Using the vector product to find equations of planes in R3

Suppose we are given two vectors 𝐮, 𝐯 and we want to find the equation of the plane passing through the origin which contains 𝐮 and 𝐯. We require 𝐮 and 𝐯 to be non-collinear, i.e. linearly independent. To describe the plane π containing 𝐮 and 𝐯 we just have to find a normal vector to π. But as we saw above, 𝐮×𝐯 is orthogonal to both 𝐮 and 𝐯, so we can set 𝐧=𝐮×𝐯. This principle is best demonstrated with some examples.

Example 1.26

Find the equation of the plane passing through the origin in R3 which includes u=(1-1  2) and v=(0  3-1).

What about the equation of a plane which doesn’t pass through the origin? We can usually describe a plane π if we know three points A,B,C in π.

Example 1.27

Find the equation of the plane in R3 which passes through the points A=(1,2,-1), B=(2,-3,1) and C=(0,3,-4).

Using the vector product to calculate areas of parallelograms and triangles

Let OACB be a parallelogram in 3, where OA=𝐚 and OB=𝐛.

\curve(300,-90,400,-80) \curve(400,-80,420,-40) \curve(300,-90,320,-50) OACB\curve(320,-50,420,-40) \curve(350,-85,346,-89) \curve(350,-85,346,-81) \curve(410,-60,410,-65) \curve(410,-60,406,-62) \curve(310,-70,310,-75) \curve(310,-70,306,-72)

We can use the vector product 𝐚×𝐛 to calculate the area of the parallelogram OACB.

To see how, recall the well-known formula for the area of a parallelogram:


where is the length of the base, and h is the (perpendicular) height. We can choose OA to be the base, so that =|𝐚|. Moreover, if θ is the angle between 𝐚 and 𝐛 then the height of the parallelogram is |𝐛|sinθ. Thus A=|𝐚||𝐛|sinθ=|𝐚×𝐛|.

Example 1.28

Calculate the area of the parallelogram OACB in R2 with corners A=(1  2), B=(-1  1), C=(0  3).

The question does not ask us to verify that OACB is a parallelogram, but we might check: OC=OA+OB. Though OACB is a parallelogram in 2, we can consider it as being a parallelogram in 3 just by adding a third coordinate equal to zero: A=(1  2  0), B=(-1  1  0), C=(0  3  0). Now the area of the parallelogram is |OA×OB|=|(0  0  3)|=3.

Similarly to parallelograms, we can calculate the area of a triangle with sides OA and OB: it is just 12bh=12|OA×OB|.

Example 1.29

Find the area of the triangle in R3 with corners A=(1  1-1), B=(2-1  0) and C=(0  2  7).