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1.5 Equations of lines and planes

Lines in R2

There are several ways to write the equation of a straight line in 2. If the line is not parallel to the y-axis, then we can write: y=mx+c where m is the gradient of the line, and c is the point where the line crosses the y-axis. If we know that the line passes through the point (x0,y0) then we can write this equation in a slightly different form:


If (x1,y1) is another point on the line then we can calculate m as y1-y0x1-x0.

We can also write the equation of the line in vector form: if 𝐯 is a vector in the direction of the line, then the line is the set of all points of the form (x0,y0)+λ𝐯 for λ. Once again, if (x1,y1) is another point on the line then we can be more precise: in this case, we can take 𝐯=(x1-x0,y1-y0).

Let us look again at the equation y=mx+c. Rearranging, we obtain: (xy)(-m  1)=c. Alternatively, (x(y-c))(-m  1)=0. This can best be explained via a diagram:

The vector 𝐧=(-m  1) is called a normal vector to the line L.

Example 1.18

Find a normal vector to the line 2x+5y=1.

A normal vector to the line ax+by=c is (ab). To see this,

Example 1.19

Find the equation of the line with normal vector (2  1) which passes through the point (1-1).

It may be useful to remember that (xy) and (y-x) are orthogonal vectors.

Planes in R3

We saw above that in 2, a line can be described via an equation: (xy)𝐧=c, where 𝐧 is a normal vector to the line. What happens in 3? Let’s consider a specific example: let 𝐧=(0  0  1) and c=0. Then (xyz)𝐧=z, so the set of vectors satisfying (xyz)𝐧=0 is precisely the set of vectors of the form (xy  0). This is not a line but a plane, usually called the x-y plane.

This demonstrates the following difference between 2 and 3:

- if 𝐮 is a non-zero vector in 2, then the set of vectors orthogonal to 𝐮 is a line,

- if 𝐮 is a non-zero vector in 3, then the set of vectors orthogonal to 𝐮 is a plane.

Following the same procedure as we used to find the equation of a line in 2, we can find the equation of a plane in 3.

Example 1.20

Find the equation of the plane in R3 with normal vector (12-1), passing through the point (-3  2  0).