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Week 4

Workshop exercises

Exercise 4.1

Explain why the number 527527 cannot be written as the sum of two squares.

Exercise 4.2

Find (i) 216mod172^{16}\bmod 17 and (ii) 712mod137^{12}\bmod 13 without actually calculating 2162^{16} or 7127^{12} (or any other numbers greater than 100100).

Exercise 4.3

For each of the following two relations, decide if it is (a) reflexive,
(b) symmetric and (c) transitive:

  1. (i)

    S=S=\mathbb{Z}, and aba\sim b if ab=1ab=1;

  2. (ii)

    S={x:x0}S=\{x\in\mathbb{R}:x\geqslant 0\}, and aba\sim b if 2ab2a\leqslant b.

In each case give a proof or a counterexample as appropriate.

Exercise 4.4

Apply the Self-Explanation strategy from Appendix C to the proof of Lemma 6.3.2.

Exercise 4.5

Show that 55 divides 42n+1+62n+14^{2n+1}+6^{2n+1} for each nn\in\mathbb{N}.

Exercise 4.6

In the construction of \mathbb{Q} from \mathbb{Z} given in Section 6.4 of the lecture notes, show that for all (a,b)^\widehat{(a,b)}, (c,d)^\widehat{(c,d)} and (e,f)^\widehat{(e,f)} (where a,b,c,d,e,fa,b,c,d,e,f\in\mathbb{Z} with b,d,f0b,d,f\neq 0) we have

(a,b)^((c,d)^+(e,f)^)=(a,b)^(c,d)^+(a,b)^(e,f)^.\widehat{(a,b)}\bigl(\widehat{(c,d)}+\widehat{(e,f)}\bigr)=\widehat{(a,b)}% \widehat{(c,d)}+\widehat{(a,b)}\widehat{(e,f)}.

(This rule is called the distributive law.)

Further exercises

Exercise 4.7

On the set S={1,2,3,4,5,6}S=\{1,2,3,4,5,6\}, define a relation \sim by stipulating that aba\sim b if a|ba|b (where a,bSa,b\in S). For each bSb\in S, let b^={aS:ab}\widehat{b}=\{a\in S:a\sim b\}.

  1. (i)

    Find the set b^\widehat{b} explicitly for each element bSb\in S.

  2. (ii)

    Do the sets b^\widehat{b} form a partition of SS?

  3. (iii)

    Is \sim an equivalence relation?

Exercise 4.8

Give the addition and multiplication tables in 6\mathbb{Z}_{6}. From the second of these, decide if the equation 4^x=5^\widehat{4}x=\widehat{5} has a solution in 6\mathbb{Z}_{6}, and justify your answer.

Exercise 4.9

Apply the Self-Explanation strategy from Appendix C to the proof of the Chinese Remainder Theorem (Theorem 5.3.2) and to the construction of the integers from the natural numbers as it was carried out in Section 6.4.

Exercise 4.10

Let m{2,3,4,}m\in\{2,3,4,\ldots\}, and let n{1,2,3,,m-1}n\in\{1,2,3,\ldots,m-1\}. We say that n^\widehat{n} is a zero divisor in m\mathbb{Z}_{m} if n^k^=0^\widehat{n}\cdot\widehat{k}=\widehat{0} for some k{1,2,3,,m-1}k\in\{1,2,3,\ldots,m-1\}.

  1. (i)

    Use the multiplication table found in Exercise 4.8 to find the zero divisors in 6\mathbb{Z}_{6}.

  2. (ii)

    Use the similar table in the notes to find the zero divisors in 5\mathbb{Z}_{5}.

Exercise 4.11

Define a relation \sim on the set \mathbb{N} by

abifabis a square.a\sim b\quad\text{if}\quad ab\ \text{is a square}.

Show that \sim is an equivalence relation.

[Hint: The result stated in Exercise 3.22(ii) may be useful.]

Exercise 4.12

What is wrong with the following argument to show that any relation \sim which is both symmetric and transitive must also be reflexive?

From aba\sim b we deduce that bab\sim a as \sim is symmetric, and then we have aaa\sim a as \sim is transitive — so \sim is reflexive.

[Hint: it may help to consider one of the relations in Exercise 4.3 above.]

Exercise 4.13

Show that no number ending in 22, 33, 77 or 88 can be a perfect square.

Exercise 4.14

Find the remainder on dividing 3103^{10} by 1111 without actually calculating 3103^{10} (or any other numbers greater than 100100).

Exercise 4.15

Show that 77 divides 56n+1+43n+25^{6n+1}+4^{3n+2} for each nn\in\mathbb{N}.
[Hint: begin by considering 525^{2} and 434^{3} modulo 77.]

Tutor-assessed exercises

The answers to the following exercises must be handed in in your tutor’s pigeonhole (B Floor, Fylde College) no later than 17.00, Wednesday 9th9^{\text{th}} November.

Exercise 4.16

(5 points) On the set \mathbb{N}, define a relation \sim by stipulating that aba\sim b if hcf(a,b)=1\mathrm{hcf}(a,b)=1 (where a,ba,b\in\mathbb{N}). Decide whether this relation is (a) reflexive, (b) symmetric and (c) transitive, in each case giving either a proof or a counterexample, as appropriate.

Exercise 4.17

(1 point) Explain why the number 92839283 cannot be written as the sum of two squares, giving clear reference to any results that you use.

Exercise 4.18

(4 points) Show that 6363 divides 82n+56n-38^{2n}+5^{6n-3} for each nn\in\mathbb{N}.

Online-assessed exercises

The answers to the exercises below must be submitted online no later than 23.59, Wednesday 9th9^{\text{th}} November.

Exercise 4.19

(A relation) On the set of all real functions, define a relation \sim by stipulating that fgf\sim g if f(0)g(0)f(0)\leqslant g(0) (where ff and gg are real functions). Decide which one of the following five statements is true:

  1. (A)

    the relation \sim is reflexive, but not symmetric or transitive;

  2. (B)

    the relation \sim is reflexive and symmetric, but not transitive;

  3. (C)

    the relation \sim is reflexive and transitive, but not symmetric;

  4. (D)

    the relation \sim is symmetric, but not reflexive or transitive;

  5. (E)

    none of the above.

Exercise 4.20

(The remainder rr on dividing 31543^{154} by 2424) Find the remainder rr on dividing 31543^{154} by 2424 without actually calculating 31543^{154} (or any other numbers greater than 100100), and then decide which one of the following five statements is true:

  1. (A)


  2. (B)


  3. (C)


  4. (D)


  5. (E)

    none of the above.

Exercise 4.21

(The remainder ss on dividing 52025^{202} by 77) Find the remainder ss on dividing 52025^{202} by 77 without actually calculating 52025^{202} (or any other numbers greater than 100100), and then decide which one of the following five statements is true:

  1. (A)


  2. (B)


  3. (C)


  4. (D)


  5. (E)

    none of the above.

Exercise 4.22

(Polynomial division) Suppose that we divide a polynomial f(X)f(X) of degree 66 by a polynomial g(X)g(X) of degree 33 using polynomial division with remainder (Theorem 7.1.10) to obtain a quotient q(X)q(X) and a remainder r(X)r(X). Suppose further that r(X)0r(X)\neq 0, and then decide which one of the following five statements is true:

  1. (A)

    q(X)q(X) has degree 22, and r(X)r(X) has degree at most 11;

  2. (B)

    q(X)q(X) has degree 22, and r(X)r(X) may have degree 22;

  3. (C)

    q(X)q(X) has degree 33, and r(X)r(X) has degree at most 22;

  4. (D)

    q(X)q(X) has degree 33, and r(X)r(X) may have degree 33;

  5. (E)

    none of the above.

Exercise 4.23

(A polynomial relation) Ann, Bill, Chris, Dan and Ed use the exam paper from 2015 to revise for the MATH111 end-of-module test. However, they cannot agree on the correct answer to Question 4(a), which reads as follows:

Let PP denote the set of real polynomials, and let P*=P{0}P^{*}=P\setminus\{0\}, so that P*P^{*} is the set of non-zero real polynomials. Define a relation \sim on P×P*P\times P^{*} by stipulating that

(f(X),g(X))(h(X),k(X))𝑖𝑓f(X)k(X)=g(X)h(X)(f(X),g(X))\sim(h(X),k(X))\quad\text{if}\quad f(X)k(X)=g(X)h(X)

(where f(X),g(X),h(X),k(X)f(X),g(X),h(X),k(X) are polynomials and g(X),k(X)0g(X),k(X)\neq 0). Decide whether


and whether


Ann says that both statements hold, Bill that only the first one holds, Chris that only the second one holds, Dan that neither holds, and Ed that the question does not make sense — there must be a typo in the exam paper because we do not have enough information to answer the question. Who is right?

(A) Ann,   (B) Bill,   (C) Chris,   (D) Dan,   (E) Ed.

Bonus exercise

This exercise is harder than the tutor-assessed exercises above and is not compulsory; however, if you solve it, then any points gained here will be added to your score in this week’s tutor-assessed exercises, up to a maximum total score of 1010 points.

Exercise 4.24

(3 points) Let m{2,3,4,}m\in\{2,3,4,\ldots\}, and let n{1,2,3,,m-1}n\in\{1,2,3,\ldots,m-1\}. Recall from Exercise 4.10 that n^\widehat{n} is a zero divisor in m\mathbb{Z}_{m} if n^k^=0^\widehat{n}\cdot\widehat{k}=\widehat{0} for some k{1,2,3,,m-1}k\in\{1,2,3,\ldots,m-1\}. Prove that n^\widehat{n} is a zero divisor in m\mathbb{Z}_{m} if and only if hcf(n,m)2\mathrm{hcf}(n,m)\geqslant 2.