Please submit solutions to the following via moodle by 23:59 on Wednesday 30th November. Each question is worth [2] marks. See Week07Logic.pdf for information which may help with Q2.3-Q2.5.
Q2.1.Convergence. Which of the following statements about the function is FALSE, where:
(A) has a stationary point at . (B) as . (C) .
(D) is well-defined for every real number . (E) is a rational function in .
Q2.2.Improper integrals. One of the following statements describes the improper integrals
(A) Both and diverge. (B) The integral converges to , whereas diverges.
(C) Integral converges to , whereas diverges. (D) Both and converge.
(E) Whereas diverges, converges to .
Q2.3Elements within a range. Let be a sequence with -th element
Find the number of elements of the sequence for which .
Q2.4Comparison of sequences. A second sequence has -th element
How many of the 100 pairs of elements satisfy the condition ?
Q2.5If Statements. Let be a scalar real number within the interval assigned to object x. If the following R code is performed
if (x > 25) {
y <- sum( x < 1:50 )
}else {
y <- sum( x > 0:49 )
then the object y represents
for some statements A and B. Match up A and B from the following list
where denotes rounding down to the nearest integer and denotes rounding up. In R these operations can be performed directly using floor(x) and ceiling(x).