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3.19 Basic examples of the Chain Rule


3.19.1 (Straight lines). Let (x(t),y(t))=(a+th,b+tk)(x(t),y(t))=(a+th,b+tk). Then (x(t),y(t))(x(t),y(t)) describes a straight line segment as tt varies. For any function f(x,y)f(x,y) we have

dfdt=fxh+fyk.{{df}\over{dt}}={{\partial f}\over{\partial x}}h+{{\partial f}\over{\partial y% }}k.

3.19.2 (Circle).Let x(t)=costx(t)=\cos t and y(t)=sinty(t)=\sin t. Determine dfdt\frac{df}{dt}.

Solution. We have dxdt=-sintanddydt=cost.\frac{dx}{dt}=\,{-\sin t}\;\mbox{and}\;\frac{dy}{dt}=\,{\cos t.}

So dfdt=-sintfx+costfy=-yfx+xfy.\frac{df}{dt}=\,{-\sin t\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}+\cos t\frac{\partial f}{% \partial y}}\,{=-yf_{x}+xf_{y}.}