Home page for accesible maths Math 101 Chapter 4: Taylor series and complex numbers

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4.39 Complex roots of unity

For nNn\in{\textbf{N}}, an nthn^{th} root of unity is a complex number zz such that zn=1z^{n}=1.


For nNn\in{\textbf{N}}, there are nn distinct complex nthn^{th} roots of unity given by z=e2πik/nz=e^{2\pi ik/n} for k=0,1,,n-1k=0,1,\dots,n-1. These points are equally spaced round the unit circle in the Argand diagram. Proof. Consider the polar form z=reiθ,z=re^{i\theta}, so by De Moive’s theorem zn=rneinθz^{n}=r^{n}e^{in\theta}. We have zn=1z^{n}=1 if and only if rn=1r^{n}=1 and einθ=1e^{in\theta}=1, so r=1r=1 and

inθ=0,2πi,4πi,,2(n-1)πi;in\theta=0,2\pi i,4\pi i,\dots,2(n-1)\pi i;

this gives nn distinct solutions

z=1,e2πi/n,e4πi/n,,e2(n-1)πi/n;z=1,e^{2\pi i/n},e^{4\pi i/n},\dots,e^{2(n-1)\pi i/n};

an polynomial of degree nn has at most nn roots.