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4.27 Argand’s diagram

Complex numbers

A complex number is a pair z=x+iyz=x+iy where xx and yy are real numbers;

x=zx=\Re z is the real part of zz, whereas y=zy=\Im z is the imaginary part of zz.

The conjugate of zz is z¯=x-iy\bar{z}=x-iy and the modulus of zz is |z|=x2+y2|z|=\sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}}.

Argand’s diagram

The Argand diagram or complex plane is the usual coordinate system where we represent x+iyx+iy as the point (x,y)(x,y) in the plane. The horizontal axis is called the real axis {x:xR}\{x:x\in{\mathbb{R}}\}; the vertical axis is called the imaginary axis {iy:yR}.\{iy:y\in{\mathbb{R}}\}.